DUTOIT: A Family from Moudon, Switzerland

Vuilliermus GRISET       (ID #I25441)

Father: Goddeffreydus GRISET (dates unknown)
Mother: Claudia JACOLLET (dates unknown)


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 _Goddeffreydus GRISET _|
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|--Vuilliermus GRISET 
|  (1501 - ....)
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|                        _Pierre JACOLLET ____|
|                       |                     |
|                       |                     |______________________
|                       |                                            
|_Claudia JACOLLET _____|
                        |                      _Bartholomeus GACHET _+
                        |                     | (1434 - 1503)        
                        |_Claudia GACHET _____|
                          (.... - 1516)       |
                                              |_Margareta ANCELLES __+

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_____ GRISSOD       (ID #I7486)

Family 1 :
  1. +Pierre GRISSOD (d. bef 1480)
  2.  Galcherius GRISSOD (b. ABT 1380?, d. bef 1474)


In addition to the certain mentions of the Grissod family, there are a number of citations that suggest an alternate name. Thus, 26 apr 1532, we found mention of property owned by Johannis Poschet alias Grissodi and formerly by the late Johannis Grissodi of Payerne (Pierre Chuard, notary). Is this a reference to Jean Grissod, ward ("nutrictus") of the elder Jean Grissod? Or an alias of the entire Grissod family at Payerne?

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Collete (?) GRISSOD       (ID #I7408)

Father: Jean GRISSOD (d. ABT 1517)
Mother: Alixa (Alixone) DE GRANGES (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Gaspard PLANCHE (d. abt 1513)
  1. +Jean PLANCHE (b. BEF 1500, d. BEF 1591)
  2.  Agnes PLANCHE (d. aft 1510)


There is no direct evidence for her given name, apart from a testament for Collette, wife of Gaspard de la Planche (see the notes for Gaspard), dated in 1509). The testament names her children Johannes and Agnes de la Planche, so presumably the other children of Gaspard are from his second wife.

                                                      ______ GRISSOD _______
                               _Pierre GRISSOD ______|
                              | (.... - 1480)        |
                              |                      |______________________
 _Jean GRISSOD _______________|
| (.... - 1517) m 1467        |
|                             |                       ______________________
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|                             |______________________|
|                                                    |
|                                                    |______________________
|--Collete (?) GRISSOD 
|  (.... - 1510)
|                                                     _Henricus DE GRANGES _
|                                                    | (1400 - 1457)        
|                              _Jaquetus DE GRANGES _|
|                             | (.... - 1466)        |
|                             |                      |______________________
|                             |                                             
|_Alixa (Alixone) DE GRANGES _|
   m 1467                     |
                              |                       ______________________
                              |                      |                      

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Galcherius GRISSOD       (ID #I7489)

Father: _____ GRISSOD (dates unknown)


Mentioned 06 feb 1409, a document of Pierre de Treyvaux, notary at Payerne, where he owes a sum of money to religious brother Jacobo de Montmaior. He is mentioned in a transaction recorded by Roletus de Montagniaco, notary of Payerne (ACV Dp 67, fol. 230), in which, identified as "capellanus Paterniaci", he leases certain rights at the church of Chandon and the chapel of Leschieres for six years from Dompnus Octho Lymat, curatus de Chandon.

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 ______ GRISSOD ______|
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|--Galcherius GRISSOD 
|  (1380 - 1474)
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Jean GRISSOD       (ID #I33924)

Father: Jean GRISSOD (d. ABT 1517)


As "Hansso" Grisod the elder, bourgeois of Payerne, he made his testament 04 oct 1565 (Benoit de Miville, notary at Payerne, ACV Dp 66, fol. 159v), naming as his heir his daughter Ysabel, his other sons and daughters, not named, having already received their shares in their marriage settlements.

                                             ______ GRISSOD ______
                       _Pierre GRISSOD _____|
                      | (.... - 1480)       |
                      |                     |_____________________
 _Jean GRISSOD _______|
| (.... - 1517)       |
|                     |                      _____________________
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|--Jean GRISSOD 
|                                            _____________________
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Jean GRISSOD       (ID #I7410)

Father: Pierre GRISSOD (d. bef 1480)

Family 1 :
  1.  Jean GRISSOD (dates unknown)
Family 2 : Alixa (Alixone) DE GRANGES (dates unknown)
  1. +Collete (?) GRISSOD (d. abt 1510)


Testament dated Saturday before Palm Sunday, 1508, but he is clearly alive at least as late as the end of 1509, when he buys property in his capacity as gouverneur of the Confrérie du St. Esprit of Payerne (Pierre Gachet, notary). Will as copied in the surviving minutaire of Pierre Gachet has blanks where the name of his daughter and grandson should be, and is poorly legible. Also evidently still alive when, 02 nov 1517, he sells property to Gaspard Planche (Pierre Chuard, notary, ACV DP 16/4, inserted after fol. 109).

A document recorded by Pierre Chuard, notary at Payerne (ACV DP 16), 01 mar 1532, shows that Jean Grissod left a "nutrictus" or illegitimate son Jean, who at that date was receiving his settlement from Jean Planche, testamentary heir of the late Jean Grissod.

An echo of his existence is found in a cession of property held by Nycod Maringo (sometimes spelled Maringod or Maringoz) to Their Excellencies of Bern, 16 jan 1540 (in the copy register ACV Aa 12/5, no. 1265, the original not examined). From the context, it is apparent that the "de Granges" or "de la Grangiz" family was regarded as originating from or in the past holding the title to the place called "Grangiz" (this surname seems to be formed in exactly the same way as "de Planchiz", later "de la Planche" and then simply "Planche", based on a toponym "Planchiz" in the same area). There are, however, several places called "Granges" in the Broye valley. The one intended here is apparently the largest of them, Granges-près-Marnand, because that is the only one that had a parish church, and thus the only one where we would expect a "prédicant" — one of the early protestant ministers — to reside. While that theory lacks contemporary documentation, the text is nevertheless interesting:

Je Nycod Maringo fils de feu Rolet fils de feu Nycod Maringo bourgeois de Payerne, fais sçavoir à ung chascung presents et advenirs quelconques, que je sachant bien advisé et de mon plein gré sur ce deheuement informé, vend cede et remet pour moy mes hoirs et successeurs quelconques et moy pour moy et mes dicts hoirs avoir vendu cedé et remis comme ce peult mieux faire à dict des saiges realement confesse par ces presentes, à proveable Adrian Baumgarter bourgeois de Berne gouverneur et recepveur à Payerne au nom et pour la part de mes tres-redoubtés et souverain[s] Seigneurs Messeigneurs du dict Berne present pour luy et ses successeurs au dict regime, assavoir seze sols et dix deniers Lausannois de cense et rente annuelle et perpetuelle, et ce pour le prix de vingt et sept florins et six sols Lausannois bonne monnoye cursable au Pays de Vaud ung chascung des dicts florins vaillant douze sols Lausannois que sont du prix d'une reemption faicte par Maistre Daniel du Mont prédicant demeurant à Grangiz personne conjoincte de Benoitte fille de Nycod du Ruz et de Marmette sa femme depuis relaissée de Claude Marchand, et ce à cause d'une pose de terre partie d'ung morcel de trois poses assise en la Seigneurie de Payerne au lieu dict en Neremont jouxte la terre des Crostel devers vent, la terre de Pierre Saulgis devers bize, affronte sus la terre des enfans de feu noble Glaude de Foucignie devers soleil levant, et sus la terre de Bartholomie Nybloz devers soleil couchant, laquelle pose avoir esté donnée en derniere volunté et testemant par feu Alexie fille de Pierre de la Grangiz lors femme de Jehan Grisot du dict Payerne à la chappelle appellée Chappelle de Nostre Dame de Pitié fondée comme se dict par le dict feu Jehan Grisot, laquelle pose fust depuis vendue au profitz de la ditte chappelle par Domp Claude Uldry recteur d'icelle au dessus du (=au ?) dict Claude Marchand pour le dict prix de vingt et sept florins et six sols Lausannois appliquées et emploies en acquisition de la ditte cense dessus designée es lettres receues par Discret Nycod Prodon notaire soubs la date du dernier jour de Janvier l'an courant mille cinq cent dix et sept prins à l'Annonciantion Dominicale, lesquels seze sols six deniers Lausannois j'ay promis estre payé je le dict vendeur pour mes hoirs et successeurs quelconques par ma bonne foy et obligation de tous et singuliers mes biens meubles et immeubles presents et advenirs quelconques au Recepveur et Deputé de mes dicts Redoubtés Seigneurs au bon plaisir de mes dicts Redoubtés Seigneurs annuellement apres le decest de moy le dict vendeur le dernier jour de Novembre terme de Feste de Sainct André Apostre sans seigneurie ne represe, et est assavoir que combien je le dict Nycod vendeur aye receu les dicts vingt et sept florins et six sols Lausannois du dict prix principal promptement, toutesfoys ne suis entenu de payer la ditte cense tandis que je vivray et que je me conduirai honnestement envers mes dicts redoubtés Seigneurs et sellon leurs ordonnances et Reformation tant seulement et non aultrement, et ce à cause que j'estois Recteur dernierrement d'icelle Chappelle et precep[v]ray les fruict[s] ma vie durant selon les ordonnances de mes dicts redoubtés Seigneurs, et incontinent apres mon decest au prevarication de la ditte Reformation que mes dicts hoirs et bienstentants de moy le dict vendeur soyent entenus payer et satisfere la ditte cense et rente annuellement au dict terme sans fraud ne barat, assignant pourtant et asseurant je le dict vendeur pour moy et mes dicts hoirs la ditte cense à debvoir percepvoir annuellement au dict terme apres mon decest au bon plaisir de mes dicts Seigneurs, specialement sus ma maison assise en la ville de Payerne au lieu dict en Plaigniouf aupres la porte du dict Plaigniouf jouxte la ditte porte du dict Plaigniouf devers soleil levant, la mayson de Clauda ditte Royaleta constoit de Domp Nycod Fasan devers soleil couchant, affronte sus les murailles de la ditte ville devers bize, et sus la charriere publicque devers vent, et generalement sus tous mes biens meubles et immeubles presents et advenirs quelconques, divestissant moy et mes dicts hoirs je le dict vendeur du dict assignaulx le dict Recepveur achepteur au predict et ses dicts succeseurs investissant d'icelluy par ces presentes, promettant comme dessus je le dict vendeur pour moy et mes dicts hoirs la ditte assignation maintenir, guerentir, et deffendre envers tous et contre tous en jugement et dehors à mes propres coustes, missions, et despends et de mes dicts hoirs avec restitution de coustes et missions qui surviendront au deffault des choses dessus escriptes non observées. Et pour plus grand seurté et estre mieulx payé de la ditte cense apres le decest de moy le dict vendeur, j'ay donné bonne et convenable caution assavoir Claude fils de feu Anthoyne Follie, escoffey et bourgeois du dict Payerne. Et je le dict Claude Follie es requestes du dict vendeur me suis constitué et obligé fiance sus cela pour moy et mes hoirs quelconques, promettant par ma bonne foy et obligation de tous et ung chascung de mes biens meubles et immeubles presents et advenirs quelconques payer la ditte cense maintenir le dict assignaulx et observer les choses predittes comme dessus, en cas que le dict principal et ses dicts hoirs deffauldront es choses predittes, sans fraud ne barrat avec restitution de toutes coustes et missions que soubviendroient au deffault des chouses sus dittes. Renonceants nous le dict vendeur et fiance à toutes exceptions, allegations, cauthelles, et deffenses à presentes contraires et mesmement au droys disant generale renonciation non valoir si la speciale ne precede. Jurants nous le dict vendeur et fiance les chouses dessus escriptes avoir pour agreables, stables, et vallides et icelles observer sans vouloir contrevenir par nous ny aultres icy apres. En tesmoing desquelles choses nous le dict vendeur et fiance avons requis estre mis en ses presentes le seel de la ville et communaulté de Payerne duquel on use en tel cas avec le signet manuel du notayre soubsigné juré de la ditte communaulté, fait et daté quand au dict vendeur le seziesme jour du moys de janvier en l'an de grace courant mille cinq cent quarante, presents en cela proveable Nycod Prodon et Loys du Fied demourants au dit Payerne, et quant au dict sa fiance le septiesme du moy de febvrier en l'an predit. Presents en cela le dict Nycod Prodon et Pierre Cornyez notaire de Lulliez tesmoings recquis et assistants. Jo. Marcuard.

In other words, Nicod Maringod, one of the last monks of the Abbey of Payerne, had accepted the Reformation imposed by the government of Bern, on the condition that he would continue to receive the rents on the property subject to the former chapel of Notre Dame de Pitié, of which he had been the Rector. One of these properties had been purchased by Claude Marchand, and was currently (1540) in the hands of Daniel du Mont, reformed minister at Granges-près-Payerne, who, however, paid an annual and perpetual rent on the property in lieu of paying the principal. It appears that Their Excellencies of Bern had purchased whatever rights du Mont had in the property, and had confiscated any remaining rights. Maringo was then allowed to hold the property until his death, after which his heirs would be liable for an annual rent of 16 sols payable to Their Excellencies.

[14582] Date of marriage contract recorded by Pierre Moron (père), notary at Payerne.

                       ______ GRISSOD ______|
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 _Pierre GRISSOD _____|
| (.... - 1480)       |
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|                     |_____________________|
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|--Jean GRISSOD 
|  (.... - 1517)
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Pierre GRISSOD       (ID #I7487)

Father: _____ GRISSOD (dates unknown)

Family 1 :
  1. +Jean GRISSOD (d. ABT 1517)


Document of Nicodus Probi, 30 April 1474 (ACV Dp 79, fol. 35), concerns sale of a "cense" to the monks of the abbey of Payerne by Johannes Grissod son of Petrus Grissod. It appears that Pierre had a brother Galcherius Grissod, now deceased who was a priest ("cappelanus", or chaplain). The document is heavily abbreviated and in a very rapid hand, difficult to decipher.

                      |  |
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 ______ GRISSOD ______|
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|--Pierre GRISSOD 
|  (.... - 1480)
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Leah GRISTY       (ID #I14374)

Family 1 : Thomas H. SIMMONS (b. 07 OCT 1832, d. 17 AUG 1905)
  1.  Joseph SIMMONS (b. 1860, d. 1943)
  2. +Benjamin SIMMONS (b. 1862, d. 1952)
  3.  John SIMMONS (d. 1940)


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Emily GRISWOLD       (ID #I1491)

Family 1 : Horace B. SMITH (b. 24 AUG 1828, d. 10 JUN 1904)
  1.  Charles W. SMITH (dates unknown)
  2.  Frank J. SMITH (dates unknown)
  3.  Harry C. SMITH (dates unknown)
  4.  Emma F. SMITH (dates unknown)
  5.  Bert SMITH (dates unknown)
  6.  Grace G. SMITH (dates unknown)


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Sarah Elida GRISWOLD       (ID #I18543)

Family 1 : Charles Rozell MCDOUGALL (b. 29 MAR 1852, d. 10 JAN 1917)
  1. +Earl Charles MCDOUGALL (b. 26 MAR 1878, d. 3 MAR 1952)
  2.  Silas Ray MCDOUGALL (b. 31 OCT 1893, d. 13 SEP 1967)
  3. +Leon Rozell MCDOUGALL (b. NOV 1881, d. 18 OCT 1942)


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Anne Barbille GRIVAT       (ID #I4142)

Father: Jean François GRIVAT (dates unknown)
Mother: Eve DUTOIT (dates unknown)


                        |                     |
                        |                     |_____________________
 _Jean François GRIVAT _|
|  m 1666               |
|                       |                      _____________________
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|                       |_____________________|
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|--Anne Barbille GRIVAT 
|                                              _Jean DUTOIT ________+
|                                             | (.... - 1638)       
|                        _Antoine DUTOIT _____|
|                       | (.... - 1654) m 1634|
|                       |                     |_Anteine GAULEY _____+
|                       |                       (.... - 1606)       
|_Eve DUTOIT ___________|
   m 1666               |
                        |                      _Daniel CAVIN _______
                        |                     | (.... - 1623)       
                        |_Judith CAVIN _______|
                          (.... - 1660) m 1634|

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Estiennaz GRIVAT       (ID #I11506)

Father: Gaspard GRIVAT (dates unknown)
Mother: Michère DUTOIT (dates unknown)


                       _Roland GRIVAT ______|
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 _Gaspard GRIVAT _____|
|  m 1625             |
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|--Estiennaz GRIVAT 
|                                            __
|                                           |  
|                      _Claude DUTOIT ______|
|                     | (.... - 1624)       |
|                     |                     |__
|                     |                        
|_Michère DUTOIT _____|
   m 1625             |
                      |                      __
                      |                     |  

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Estienne GRIVAT       (ID #I11507)

Father: Gaspard GRIVAT (dates unknown)
Mother: Michère DUTOIT (dates unknown)


                       _Roland GRIVAT ______|
                      |                     |
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 _Gaspard GRIVAT _____|
|  m 1625             |
|                     |                      __
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|                     |_____________________|
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|--Estienne GRIVAT 
|                                            __
|                                           |  
|                      _Claude DUTOIT ______|
|                     | (.... - 1624)       |
|                     |                     |__
|                     |                        
|_Michère DUTOIT _____|
   m 1625             |
                      |                      __
                      |                     |  

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Gaspard GRIVAT       (ID #I11504)

Father: Roland GRIVAT (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Michère DUTOIT (dates unknown)
  1.  Estiennaz GRIVAT (dates unknown)
  2.  Estienne GRIVAT (dates unknown)


                      |  |
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 _Roland GRIVAT ______|
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|--Gaspard GRIVAT 
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Jean Baptiste Salomon GRIVAT       (ID #I4143)

Father: Jean François GRIVAT (dates unknown)
Mother: Eve DUTOIT (dates unknown)


                        |                     |
                        |                     |_____________________
 _Jean François GRIVAT _|
|  m 1666               |
|                       |                      _____________________
|                       |                     |                     
|                       |_____________________|
|                                             |
|                                             |_____________________
|--Jean Baptiste Salomon GRIVAT 
|                                              _Jean DUTOIT ________+
|                                             | (.... - 1638)       
|                        _Antoine DUTOIT _____|
|                       | (.... - 1654) m 1634|
|                       |                     |_Anteine GAULEY _____+
|                       |                       (.... - 1606)       
|_Eve DUTOIT ___________|
   m 1666               |
                        |                      _Daniel CAVIN _______
                        |                     | (.... - 1623)       
                        |_Judith CAVIN _______|
                          (.... - 1660) m 1634|

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Jean François GRIVAT       (ID #I2377)

Family 1 : Eve DUTOIT (dates unknown)
  1.  Anne Barbille GRIVAT (dates unknown)
  2.  Jean Baptiste Salomon GRIVAT (dates unknown)


[14461] Mentioned in document of Jaques Daniel Faucherres, notary at Moudon, 20 sep 1666.

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Roland GRIVAT       (ID #I11505)

Family 1 :
  1. +Gaspard GRIVAT (dates unknown)


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François GRIVAZ       (ID #I6937)

Family 1 : Michère FROSSARD (dates unknown)


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Gasparde GRIVEL       (ID #I26896)

Family 1 : Estienne Vincent VALIER (d. bef 1660)
  1. +Marc VALIER (b. abt 1640)
  2.  Imbert Etienne VALIER (bp. 24 DEC 1642, d. NOV 1714)
  3.  Elizabeth VALIER (bp. 11 JUL 1645)
  4.  Gasparde VALIER (bp. 22 OCT 1646)
  5.  Jaqueline VALIER (bp. 21 DEC 1650)


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Gasparde GRIVEL       (ID #I27067)

Family 1 : Estienne Vincent VALIER (d. bef 1660)


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Jeanne Françoise GRIVEL       (ID #I26903)

Family 1 : Jean François Gédéon VALIER (dates unknown)


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Susanne Marguerite GRIVILLET       (ID #I23413)

Family 1 : Jean François PELLET (d. 31 JAN 1734)
  1.  Susanne Barbille PELLET (dates unknown)
  2.  Marie Marguerite PELLET (dates unknown)
  3.  Philippe Benjamin PELLET (dates unknown)


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Anna GROB       (ID #I34294)

Family 1 : Heinrich SCHLEIFFER (b. 17 MAY 1705, d. 17 NOV 1796)
  1.  Jacobli SCHLEIFFER (dates unknown)
  2.  Cathri SCHLEIFFER (b. 20 JAN 1743, d. 1743)






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_____ GROBETI       (ID #I16734)

Family 1 :
  1. +Anne GROBETI (d. BEF 1663)
  2. +Jean Philippe GROBETI (dates unknown)


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Anna Catharina GROBETI       (ID #I16745)

Father: Hans Rudolf GROBETI (dates unknown)
Mother: Elsbeth RÜTIMEIER (dates unknown)


                                                 ______ GROBETI ______
                        _Jean Philippe GROBETI _|
                       |  m 1632                |
                       |                        |_____________________
 _Hans Rudolf GROBETI _|
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|                      |                         _____________________
|                      |                        |                     
|                      |_Anna LANDO ____________|
|                         m 1632                |
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|--Anna Catharina GROBETI 
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|_Elsbeth RÜTIMEIER ___|
                       |                         _____________________
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