_Gaspard PLANCHE _____+ | (.... - 1513) m 1500 _Jean PLANCHE ________| | (1500 - 1591) m 1527 | | |_Collete (?) GRISSOD _+ | (.... - 1510) m 1500 _Pettermand PLANCHE _| | (1547 - 1588) m 1578| | | _Claude VUILLEMIN ____ | | | (.... - 1527) | |_Phillippa VUILLEMIN _| | (1510 - 1591) m 1527 | | |______________________ | | |--Marguerite PLANCHE | | _Pierre GACHET _______+ | | (1475 - 1528) m 1503 | _Jean Amey GACHET ____| | | (1504 - 1573) m 1540 | | | |_Jaquaz DUTRUICT _____+ | | (.... - 1553) m 1503 |_Jacobe GACHET ______| (1540 - ....) m 1578| | _Pierre VALLIER ______+ | | (1488 - 1552) m 1510 |_Marguerite VALLIER __| (1505 - 1560) m 1540 | |_Marie ODET __________+ (.... - 1546) m 1510
_Jean PLANCHE ________+ | (1500 - 1591) m 1527 _Pettermand PLANCHE _| | (1547 - 1588) m 1578| | |_Phillippa VUILLEMIN _+ | (1510 - 1591) m 1527 _Jean PLANCHE _______| | (.... - 1641) m 1600| | | _Jean Amey GACHET ____+ | | | (1504 - 1573) m 1540 | |_Jacobe GACHET ______| | (1540 - ....) m 1578| | |_Marguerite VALLIER __+ | (1505 - 1560) m 1540 | |--Marguerite PLANCHE | | ______________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |______________________ | | |_Susanne BEDOZ ______| m 1600 | | ______________________ | | |_____________________| | |______________________
[14585] Date of contract, Jaques Girod, notary.
_Nicod DE LA PLANCHE ________+ | (1431 - 1490) m 1471 _Gaspard PLANCHE _____| | (.... - 1513) m 1500 | | |_Mermeta GAVOD ______________+ | m 1471 _Jean PLANCHE ________| | (1500 - 1591) m 1527 | | | _Jean GRISSOD _______________+ | | | (.... - 1517) m 1467 | |_Collete (?) GRISSOD _| | (.... - 1510) m 1500 | | |_Alixa (Alixone) DE GRANGES _+ | m 1467 | |--Marguerite PLANCHE | (1550 - ....) | _____________________________ | | | _Claude VUILLEMIN ____| | | (.... - 1527) | | | |_____________________________ | | |_Phillippa VUILLEMIN _| (1510 - 1591) m 1527 | | _____________________________ | | |______________________| | |_____________________________
Not mentioned in the family partage of 1650, so presumed to have died before then without issue.
_Jean PLANCHE ________+ | (1500 - 1591) m 1527 _Pettermand PLANCHE _| | (1547 - 1588) m 1578| | |_Phillippa VUILLEMIN _+ | (1510 - 1591) m 1527 _Pierre PLANCHE _____| | (.... - 1641) m 1601| | | _Jean Amey GACHET ____+ | | | (1504 - 1573) m 1540 | |_Jacobe GACHET ______| | (1540 - ....) m 1578| | |_Marguerite VALLIER __+ | (1505 - 1560) m 1540 | |--Marguerite PLANCHE | (.... - 1650) | _Claude ROCHONNET ____ | | (.... - 1571) | _François ROCHONNET _| | | (.... - 1601) m 1571| | | |______________________ | | |_Judith ROCHONNET ___| m 1601 | | _Claude DUTOIT _______+ | | (1515 - 1574) |_Pernon DUTOIT ______| (1553 - ....) m 1571| |______________________
He is mentioned several times in connection with his brother Gaspard or with his nephews, Gaspard's children. One of the earliest citations so far located is found in a "reconnaissance" in the terrier AVL C 318, by Collett, widow of Jean Tissot, daughter of the late Jean Vauderrey autrement Charvet, for property formerly subject to the Priory of Lutry (fol. 140v, 02 jun 1540), in the course of which is related the following situation (fol. 141v): "Item, commant ainsy soit que ledict Jehan Charvet aultrement Vauderrey pere de ladicte recognoissante commant principal et Martin de laz Planchiz commant fiance heussent vendus à Messy Phillippe de Compey pour alors administrateur dudict prioré de Lustrier deux sextiers de vin mesure de la Vaulx de Lustrier de cense annuelle, et cecy pour le pris de douz livres bonnes, laquelle cense haient promis de poier (=payer) et chescung deheux (=d'eux) pour le tout ou temps de vendenges, commant ce conste en laz lettre recehue et signée par Messy Pierre de Fossa datée le unzieme jour du mois d'Avril l'an notre seigneur Jesuchrist mille quattre cent nonante deux, commant ainsi soit aussi que lesdict tresredoubtés seigneurs de Berne haient faict estatus et ordonnances que l'on ne dehusse plus pour telles ou semblables censes de vin ou de blez synon en argent à cinq pour cent, or est ainsin que ladicte Collette recognoissante commant fillie et heritiere dudict Jehan Charvet aultrement Vaulderrey confesse et recongnoict de debvoir et estre entenue de poier (=payer) eisdicts tresredoubtés seigneurs de Berne à cause dudict prioré de Lustrier, c'est à scavoir lesdict deux sextiers de vin de cense pour lesqueulx elle poieraz (=payera) ou temps de vendenges toutes les années douze solz entant que lesdictes ordonances et estatus hauront leur lieu reserver à ladicte recognoissante le reachept, le pouvoir rembre (=to buy back, to redeem) lesdict deux sextiers et douze solz pour le pris de douze livres dessus mentionnées..." From this extract, we can conclude that Martin de la Planchiz had reached the age of majority by 1492.
His marriage contract turned up on close reading of a register attributed to the notary Mermet de Montet (ACV Dc 32bis, fol. 54v, 06 may 1489). It leaves the name of the bride blank, but identifies her parents. The text is very messy, but the key passage, identifying the parties, appears to say inter dictum Martinum et _____ filiam dicti quondam Bartholomei, et per dictum Nycodum eius patrem et Mermetam dicte _____ filie sue et dicti quondam Bartholomei filiam jam in contemplacione matrimonii inter dictum Nycodum de Planchia patrem suum predictum et dictam Margaretam (eiusdem uxoris Nicodi?, these words probably lined out) relictam dicti Bartholomei uxorem dicti Nycodi sollemniter de quibus promessis omnibus et singulis idem Martinus a me jurato..." While we frequently find marriage contracts in which a widow marries a widower at the same time one or more pairs of their children marry, in this case the parents married first, already cited as such in Fl 399, fol. 212, dated 05 mar 1486.
_Otthetus DE LA PLANCHE _ | (.... - 1410) _Nicolletus DE LA PLANCHE _| | (1385 - 1456) m 1410 | | |_________________________ | _Nicod DE LA PLANCHE _| | (1431 - 1490) m 1471 | | | _Jaquetus RUERAT ________+ | | | (.... - 1409) | |_Margareta RUERAT _________| | m 1410 | | |_Isabella PICTET ________+ | | |--Martin PLANCHE | (1467 - 1525) | _________________________ | | | _Nicodus GAVOD ____________| | | | | | |_________________________ | | |_Mermeta GAVOD _______| m 1471 | | _________________________ | | |_Johanneta _____ __________| | |_________________________
At Geneva, we find an apprenticeship for Petremand, son of the late Pierre Planche, vivant banderet de Payerne, with Aymé Gallatin fils, maîstre épicier (23 apr 1641, Pierre Demonthouz, notary, vol. 20, . 94v). Did Petermand remain in Geneva? However, by 1650. we find him apparently back in Payerne, named in the partage among the heirs of Pierre Planche (Samuel Golliez, notary at Payerne, 12 feb 1650). Probably the partage was delayed until all of the children had reached adulthood.
[AEG Notaire Pierre DeMonthouz, vol. 20, fols. 94v-95.]
Du vendredy 23e Avril 1641, apres midy.
Sieur Philibert Ruerat, bourgeois de Payerne, agissant comme charge ayant comme il assere de Dame Judith Rochenet, veufve de feu Sieur Pierre Planche vivant Sieur Banderet audict lieu tuteur d'Egrege Pestremand Planche son et dudict deffunct fils legitime de son plein gré audict nom, baille met et affet pour serviteur et apprentif ledict Pestremand Planche icy present et desirant ainsy estre faict, et Noble aymé Gallatin fils, marchand Citoyen present et l'acceptant, pendant le temps et terme de trois ans entiers et continuels commençans le 26e present moys et finissans à semblable jour, durant lesquels ledict Noble Gallatin sera tenu comme faire, il promet, en premier lieu, instruire ledict apprentif en la crainte de Dieu et bonnes moeurs. Item, de luy monstrer et de tout son pouvoir apprendre le trafficq et negoce d'espicerie, et ce dont il se mesle sans luy en rien coucher (=cacher) ny receller en tant toutesfois que ledict apprentif le pourra comprendre, le nourrir coucher et reblanchir honnestement pendant ledict temps, et ce est fait et accordé entre les parties par le moyen de la somme de soixante reil (? = Reals ?) tallens (?) par chacune année ensemble deux pistolles d'Espagne aussy par ... (ix sols ?) l'an pour les espingles de mademoiselle femme dudict Sieur Gallatin, la pension payable par advance de six en six moys la moytié, comme faire promet ledict Sieur Ruerat en la qualité comme dessus, lequel en oultre tant en son propre et privé nom qu'au nom de ladicte Dame Rochenet se constitute caution et respondant de toute loyaulté et fidelité dudict apprentif vers ledict Noble Gallatin, et qu'il n'absentera le service d'iceluy avant lesdicts trois ans sans legitime occasion, à peyne etc. promettans respectives etc. à l'obligation de tous leurs biens, et de celuy de ladicte dame Rochenet, et droict de ceux dudict Pestermand Planche qu'ils ont ... constitués tenir etc. Renonceations etc. fait en la bouticque dudict Sieur Gallatin en presents honnorables Samuel Savary dudict Payerne et Adrian Robin natif tesmoings requis.
[Signatures :] Adrian Robin [paraphe], Petterman Planche, Philibertt Ruerat, Aymé Gallatin fils, Samuel Savary.
_Jean PLANCHE ________+ | (1500 - 1591) m 1527 _Pettermand PLANCHE _| | (1547 - 1588) m 1578| | |_Phillippa VUILLEMIN _+ | (1510 - 1591) m 1527 _Pierre PLANCHE _____| | (.... - 1641) m 1601| | | _Jean Amey GACHET ____+ | | | (1504 - 1573) m 1540 | |_Jacobe GACHET ______| | (1540 - ....) m 1578| | |_Marguerite VALLIER __+ | (1505 - 1560) m 1540 | |--Petermand PLANCHE | | _Claude ROCHONNET ____ | | (.... - 1571) | _François ROCHONNET _| | | (.... - 1601) m 1571| | | |______________________ | | |_Judith ROCHONNET ___| m 1601 | | _Claude DUTOIT _______+ | | (1515 - 1574) |_Pernon DUTOIT ______| (1553 - ....) m 1571| |______________________
The earliest member of the family listed in the parish registers at Payerne. Earlier members of the family include a Jean Planche or de la Planche appearing in records of Jean Savary in 1537. A record of David Gachet, notary, dated 01 jan 1591, refers to the heirs of the late Petterman Planche, bourgeois and conseiller of Payerne. Similar records of Jaques Girod mention the late Pettermant Planche 14 may 1590.
A document of Jean Amey Bondu, notary at Payerne, dated 03 mar 1588, identifies George Gorgeron as the administrator of the estate of the late Pettermand Planche, the earliest such reference we have located so far.
The guardian of the heirs of Pettermand Planche was George Gorgeron. A document of Jaques Girod, notary, 16 jul 1592 involves George Gorgeron acting for the heirs, and also Begnigna Planche, daughter of the late Jean Planche and his wife Phillippa. Begnigna had married George Ollevey (apparently recorded by Benoit Nyble, notary), and this George Ollevey was the "beaupère" (father-in-law) of George Gorgeron. Pettermand was the son of Jean Planche and Phillippa, and his executor George Gorgeron was his nephew. The connection was finally confirmed in records of Jean Amey Bondu, notary at Payerne, Registre 1, p. 148, dated 11 jul 1572. This date is used to estimate Pettermand's birthdate, assuming he was at least 25 years of age by that date.
[2357] Mention of the heirs of the late Petermand Planche in numerous documents of notaries, earliest 03 mar 1588, recorded by Jean Amey Bondu.
[14576] Date of contract recorded by Blaise Chalon, notary at Payerne. The same notary recorded assignals in 1570 for this couple.
_Nicod DE LA PLANCHE ________+ | (1431 - 1490) m 1471 _Gaspard PLANCHE _____| | (.... - 1513) m 1500 | | |_Mermeta GAVOD ______________+ | m 1471 _Jean PLANCHE ________| | (1500 - 1591) m 1527 | | | _Jean GRISSOD _______________+ | | | (.... - 1517) m 1467 | |_Collete (?) GRISSOD _| | (.... - 1510) m 1500 | | |_Alixa (Alixone) DE GRANGES _+ | m 1467 | |--Pettermand PLANCHE | (1547 - 1588) | _____________________________ | | | _Claude VUILLEMIN ____| | | (.... - 1527) | | | |_____________________________ | | |_Phillippa VUILLEMIN _| (1510 - 1591) m 1527 | | _____________________________ | | |______________________| | |_____________________________
_Gaspard PLANCHE _____+ | (.... - 1513) m 1500 _Jean PLANCHE ________| | (1500 - 1591) m 1527 | | |_Collete (?) GRISSOD _+ | (.... - 1510) m 1500 _Pettermand PLANCHE _| | (1547 - 1588) m 1578| | | _Claude VUILLEMIN ____ | | | (.... - 1527) | |_Phillippa VUILLEMIN _| | (1510 - 1591) m 1527 | | |______________________ | | |--Pierre PLANCHE | (.... - 1641) | _Pierre GACHET _______+ | | (1475 - 1528) m 1503 | _Jean Amey GACHET ____| | | (1504 - 1573) m 1540 | | | |_Jaquaz DUTRUICT _____+ | | (.... - 1553) m 1503 |_Jacobe GACHET ______| (1540 - ....) m 1578| | _Pierre VALLIER ______+ | | (1488 - 1552) m 1510 |_Marguerite VALLIER __| (1505 - 1560) m 1540 | |_Marie ODET __________+ (.... - 1546) m 1510
_Jean PLANCHE ________+ | (1500 - 1591) m 1527 _Pettermand PLANCHE _| | (1547 - 1588) m 1578| | |_Phillippa VUILLEMIN _+ | (1510 - 1591) m 1527 _Jean PLANCHE _______| | (.... - 1641) m 1600| | | _Jean Amey GACHET ____+ | | | (1504 - 1573) m 1540 | |_Jacobe GACHET ______| | (1540 - ....) m 1578| | |_Marguerite VALLIER __+ | (1505 - 1560) m 1540 | |--Samuel PLANCHE | | ______________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |______________________ | | |_Susanne BEDOZ ______| m 1600 | | ______________________ | | |_____________________| | |______________________
_Jean PLANCHE ________+ | (1500 - 1591) m 1527 _Pettermand PLANCHE _| | (1547 - 1588) m 1578| | |_Phillippa VUILLEMIN _+ | (1510 - 1591) m 1527 _Pierre PLANCHE _____| | (.... - 1641) m 1601| | | _Jean Amey GACHET ____+ | | | (1504 - 1573) m 1540 | |_Jacobe GACHET ______| | (1540 - ....) m 1578| | |_Marguerite VALLIER __+ | (1505 - 1560) m 1540 | |--Susanne PLANCHE | (.... - 1650) | _Claude ROCHONNET ____ | | (.... - 1571) | _François ROCHONNET _| | | (.... - 1601) m 1571| | | |______________________ | | |_Judith ROCHONNET ___| m 1601 | | _Claude DUTOIT _______+ | | (1515 - 1574) |_Pernon DUTOIT ______| (1553 - ....) m 1571| |______________________
__________________________ | _Sébastien MAYOR (DES PLANCHES) _| | | | |__________________________ | _Sébastien MAYOR (DES PLANCHES) _| | m 1582 | | | __________________________ | | | | |_________________________________| | | | |__________________________ | | |--Marie [Mayor (des PLANCHES) | | _Pierre GACHET ___________+ | | (1475 - 1528) m 1503 | _Daniel GACHET __________________| | | (.... - 1583) m 1560 | | | |_Jaquaz DUTRUICT _________+ | | (.... - 1553) m 1503 |_Marguerite GACHET ______________| m 1582 | | _Girard MESTRAL (DE RUE) _+ | | (1485 - 1557) m 1526 |_Magdelaine MESTRAL (DE RUE) ____| m 1560 | |_Perissone CROSTEL _______+ m 1526
Marriage Allegations, Bishop of London: "1618-19, Feb. 8. William Plasse of St. Botulphes withoute Algate, London, gunmaker and a widower, aged xlviii yeres or thereabout and did alleg that he intendeth to marrie with Phebe Waters, widowe, of the same parish, aged xlvii yeres or there about, the Relicte of James Waters, Iremonger, deceased a yere since, and of the truthe of the premisses as also that he knoweth of noe lawfull lett or impediment by
reason of anie precontracts or otherwise to hinder this intended marriage he made faiethe and desired license for them to be married together in the parish church of St. Botulph's aforesaid." He is first listed as scavenger for High Street Dec. 1595. There are various references to him in records of Salem, MA for 1637, including a grant of 1/2 acre in that year for Will Plais to support his family of two persons. He is noted as a gunsmith, and various monies were allocated for his support in the years before his death in 1646, at which time there was no mention of his widow.
______________________ | _______________________| | | | |______________________ | _Andrew Todd PLATTNER _| | | | | ______________________ | | | | |_______________________| | | | |______________________ | | |--Adrienne PLATTNER | | ______________________ | | | _Donald Glenn GUTHRIE _| | | | | | |______________________ | | |_Melanie Lynn GUTHRIE _| | | _Julian Edward RANFT _ | | (1914 - 1997) m 1937 |_Norma Jane RANFT _____| | |_Velma Mae CARPENTER _+ (1916 - 1990) m 1937
______________________ | _______________________| | | | |______________________ | _Andrew Todd PLATTNER _| | | | | ______________________ | | | | |_______________________| | | | |______________________ | | |--Justin PLATTNER | | ______________________ | | | _Donald Glenn GUTHRIE _| | | | | | |______________________ | | |_Melanie Lynn GUTHRIE _| | | _Julian Edward RANFT _ | | (1914 - 1997) m 1937 |_Norma Jane RANFT _____| | |_Velma Mae CARPENTER _+ (1916 - 1990) m 1937
__ | __| | | | |__ | _Paul PLENC _________| | | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--Marie PLENC | | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_Béatrice COTTA _____| | | __ | | |__| | |__
The family name is also spelled Pellenc.
Murdered by Michael X in the Caribbean.
Daughter of Jacob Plumettaz.
[14588] Date of marriage settlement, Benoit Nible, notary.
__ | __| | | | |__ | _Jacob PLUMETAZ _____| | | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--Anne PLUMETAZ | | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_____________________| | | __ | | |__| | |__
still living - details excluded
___________________________ | _Thomas Lee PLUMMER __| | (1886 - 1967) m 1911 | | |___________________________ | _Edward Williams PLUMMER _| | | | | _Bezeleel George WILLIAMS _ | | | (1848 - 1935) | |_Lura Belle WILLIAMS _| | (1888 - 1974) m 1911 | | |_Harriett Elizabeth DAVIS _+ | (1856 - 1948) | |--Edward Terry PLUMMER | | ___________________________ | | | ______________________| | | | | | |___________________________ | | |_Sally TERRY _____________| | | ___________________________ | | |______________________| | |___________________________
still living - details excluded
_____________________ | ___________________________| | | | |_____________________ | _Thomas Lee PLUMMER __| | (1886 - 1967) m 1911 | | | _____________________ | | | | |___________________________| | | | |_____________________ | | |--Edward Williams PLUMMER | | _____________________ | | | _Bezeleel George WILLIAMS _| | | (1848 - 1935) | | | |_____________________ | | |_Lura Belle WILLIAMS _| (1888 - 1974) m 1911 | | _Howell F. DAVIS ____+ | | (1818 - 1864) m 1849 |_Harriett Elizabeth DAVIS _| (1856 - 1948) | |_Clarinda MCCOY _____+ (1830 - 1922) m 1849