DUTOIT: A Family from Moudon, Switzerland

Pierre DUTOIT       (ID #I11405)

Family 1 : Marguerite MALINGRE (dates unknown)


No connections so far identified, and no children, but there are several isolated mentions that cannot be assigned to any other Pierre Dutoit. He was hoste at Donneloye at least from 1636 to 1658, and had wife Marguerite Malingre. He is identified 09 feb 1658, in a debt for wine purchased from Abraham Bastian of Lutry (Antoine Piccard, notary, ACV DI 101/7) as Pierre Duthoict of Moudon, resident at Donneloye. Similar debt 01 aug 1636, Pierre Duthey de Donneloye (David Curlat, notary, ACV DG 71/1).

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Pierre DUTOIT       (ID #I1856)

Father: Daniel DUTOIT (d. BEF 1642)
Mother: Claudine MAURON (d. BEF 1658)


Document of B. Girardet, notary, dated 25 sep 1655, notes that Joseph Fabri, elsewhere identified as the tuteur of Pierre and his sister Marguerite, is also Pierre's stepfather. Thus, it appears that Joseph Fabri has married Claudine, widow of Daniel Dutoit.

While Pierre was the subject of many document relating to the settlement of his parents' estates, no evidence has been found to suggest that he married or left descendants. However, it is possible that one of the unassigned Pierre Dutoits of that period might eventually be identified with him.

A typical document that establishes some of the relationships of this family follows:

Pierre Gavin, notary at Moudon, 20 feb 1661.

Eschange entre honnorable Pierre Dutoict, vitrier, & Jehan Thomas, cordonnier.

Manifeste soit à tous par la teneur des presentes que le vingtiesme jour du mois de febvrier l'an courant mille six cent soixante-un, par devant moy Notaire Juré soubsigné & en presence des tesmoings soubsnommés, Se sont personnellement constituéz et establis les honnorables Pierre fils de feu honnorable Daniel Dutoict vitrier d'une part, & Jehan fils de deffunct honnorable Jehan Thomas cordonnier tous deux bourgeois de Mouldon d'autre part, lesquels Sçachants & bien advisés, estantz de leurs drois tiltres & actions amplement informés & certioréz, ont entr'eux faicts comme par ces presentes ils font pour leur meilleure utilité & commodité les eschanges & permutations pures, perpetuelles & irrevocables de la teneur suyvante, Primo, ledit Dutoict a baillé & remis perpetuellement audit Thomas present & acceptant pour luy & sesdits hoirs, Assavoir un clos siz & existant riere ladite ville, lieudit sur le Montellier, par luy ce jourd'huy retiré par droict de proximité d'honnorable Pierre Perrin, favre, & Philippe Chastelannaz, tanneur, bourgeois dudit Mouldon, auxquels Discret Jean François Dutoict Notayre de Berchier au nom de Marguerite Dutoict sa femme & soeur dudit Dutoict eschangeur l'avoit vendu, se limittant, Jouxte le chemin publicq devers bize, le Riau Bossus (?) devers vent, le clos d'Egrege & provide Isaac Decrevel Sieur Justicier & Conseiller dudit Mouldon d'orient, & celuy dudit Perrin & de Jaques Bochard au nom de sa femme d'occident, Et en contr'eschange & recompense ledit Thomas a donné & remis perpetuellement audit Pierre Dutoict present & acceptant pour luy & sesdits heritiers, Assavoir un morcel de clos six & jacent audit terroir, lieudit dessoubz le Fay alias es Terraux de Maubourget, soit à la Planche, Jouxte le chemin publicq d'orient & bize, le clos dudit Dutoict eschangeur devers vent, plusieurs contors de Curtils, un ruelle entre deux d'occident, Ainsi que les pieces se peuvent contenir & extendre, avecq leurs fonds, fruicts, drois, proprietés, appartenances & despendances quelles qu'elles soyent. Et pour l'inegalité desdits eschanges ledit Thomas a donné de tourne audit Dutoict, assavoir la somme de sept cent trentetrois florins pps. [petit poids], dont est acquitté & les siens à perpetuité. Se devestissants à cest effect lesdits Eschangeurs pour eux & les leurs des sus limittés clos & d'iceux avecq leurs dits fonds & appartenances reciproquement l'un à l'autre, perpetuellement s'en investissants & mettants en reelle & corporelle jouissance par cestes, promettants pour ce les susnommés eschanges pour cesdits et leurs dits hoirs par leur bonne foy & soubs l'expresse obligation de tous & unchescuns leurs biens tant meubles qu'immeubles presents & advenir quels qu'ils soyent, les clos par eux (comme sus est dit) eschangéz, à perpetuité l'un à l'autre reciproquement se maintenir, despendre, desbriguer & legitimement garantir envers & contre tous tant en jugement que dehors. Saufz & reservés les Censes directes & tous autres drois Seigneuriaux qui se trouveront estre deubz pour present eschange doresenavant par les predits Eschangeurs & leursdits successeurs, unchescun pour la piece à luy en eschange donné, payables & supportables; promettantz en oultre les susdits Eschangeurs soubz mesme obligation que dessus d'avoir, tenir & garder tout le contenu des presentes à toute perpetuité pour stable, ferme, aggreable & vallide, sans jamais y voulloir contrevenir ny au contrevenant acquiescir, Soubz peine de supporter, rendre & restituer tous damps, frays et despendz qui en pourroyent arriver. Daté faict & passé audit Mouldon soubz toutes autres Clausules & seaug requis & opportuns les jour & an prementionnéz presentz honnorables Jehan Dutoict hoste, Daniel & Philippe Chastelannaz oncle & nepveu, bourgeois dudit Mouldon, prins pour tesmoings.

                                             _Claude DUTOIT ______+
                                            | (1515 - 1574)       
                       _Baltazard DUTOIT ___|
                      | (1550 - 1620) m 1575|
                      |                     |_____________________
 _Daniel DUTOIT ______|
| (.... - 1642) m 1630|
|                     |                      _____________________
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_Claudine JAQUEZ ____|
|                       (.... - 1604) m 1575|
|                                           |_____________________
|--Pierre DUTOIT 
|  (.... - 1661)
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _____________________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Claudine MAURON ____|
  (.... - 1658) m 1630|
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

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Pierre DUTOIT       (ID #I6683)

Family 1 : Marie Dorothée BUTTET (d. 1670)
  1. +Isaac DUTOIT (d. 05 JAN 1731)


Named along with his wife (her surname only) for the baptism of their son Isaac in 1659. So far, only one document has been found which gives the wife's full name, a debt of Jean Dutoit of Chesalles to Marie Dorothée Buttet, widow of the late Pierre Dutoit (11 jan 1665, David de Treytorrens, notary at Moudon). (Also mentioned as his widow 19 nov 1664, ACV DL 91/9, in an unidentified register suspected of belonging also to David de Treytorrens.) In the testament of his wife, 1670, he is identified only as "bourgeois de Moudon" (immediately after noting that his wife's late father had served on the city council of Moudon), and she makes a bequest of 5 florins to the "Abaye des Cordonniers" to be distributed among the poor. She also mentions a godson Samuel Dutoit. Apart from that, there seem to be no clues. There are still more records that need to be examined, such as an incomplete series of the proceedings of the "cour de justice" of Moudon for this period.

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Pierre DUTOIT       (ID #I2230)

Father: David DUTOIT (dates unknown)
Mother: Pernon _____ (d. AFT 1624)

Family 1 : Jeanne Louise de Palézieux dit FALCONNET (b. AFT 1627)
  1. +Philippe DUTOIT (d. BEF 1728)
  2. +André (Abraham André) DUTOIT (d. BEF 1725)
  3.  Susanne Marie DUTOIT (dates unknown)
  4.  David DUTOIT (d. BEF 1712)
  5. +Jean Jaques DUTOIT (d. BEF 1737)


His widow first appears at a baptism 28 may 1676 and then in a record of David de Treytorrens, notary at Moudon, 03 jul 1676. However, several documents recorded by Abraham Faucherres, notary at Moudon, strongly imply that this is the same man who had died by 1675, and whose sons Jean (conseiller), Philippe, and Spectable et Sçavant Abraham Dutoit divide their inheritance in the following years. However, the son Jean would have to be so much older, he would have to be from a previous marriage. This is only one of several problems concerning relationships between some of the Dutoit families of this period, due to the occurrence of the same names in every generation.

A key record for understanding later developments was recorded by David de Treytorrens, notary at Moudon, 22 aug 1671 (ACV DL 88/4). Pierre Dutoit, conseiller, borrows 4,000 florins from Daniel Chambut to buy the inn, "L'Aigle", with its garden, barn, and dependencies, purchased from the Noble Lords of Denesy, brothers. Pierre passed this business on to his son Philippe, who married the daughter of another innkeeper, Antoine Carran, who owned La Croix Blanche. By 1723, Philippe had in turn given his brother Jean Jaques control of L'Aigle.

                                             _Claude DUTOIT ______+
                                            | (1515 - 1574)       
                       _François DUTOIT ____|
                      | (1568 - 1602)       |
                      |                     |_____________________
 _David DUTOIT _______|
|  m 1604             |
|                     |                      _____________________
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_____________________|
|                                           |
|                                           |_____________________
|--Pierre DUTOIT 
|  (.... - 1676)
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _____________________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Pernon _____ _______|
  (.... - 1624) m 1604|
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

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Pierre DUTOIT       (ID #I2141)

Father: Jean DUTOIT (b. ABT 1620, d. BEF 1685)
Mother: Jeanne OLEVEY (d. AFT 1685)


[849] Witnesses include: Pierre Dutoit, Pierre Becholey de Chesalles, Marguerite femme de Pierre Dutoit, Marguerite femme de Mauris Oulevey de Chesalles.

                                             _Moyse DUTOIT _______+
                                            | (1566 - 1625) m 1586
                       _Jean DUTOIT ________|
                      | (1596 - 1654)       |
                      |                     |_Sara BECHOLEY ______+
                      |                        m 1586             
 _Jean DUTOIT ________|
| (1620 - 1685) m 1644|
|                     |                      _____________________
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_Benoicte _____ _____|
|                       (1600 - 1654)       |
|                                           |_____________________
|--Pierre DUTOIT 
|  (.... - 1685)
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _Pierre OLEVEY ______|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Jeanne OLEVEY ______|
  (.... - 1685) m 1644|
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

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Pierre DUTOIT       (ID #I6548)

Family 1 : Agathe DUTOIT (d. 28 MAR 1770)
  1.  Esther Jeanne Louise DUTOIT (d. 18 OCT 1817)


Not yet clear which Pierre this is. The Pierre Dutoit who was married to Agathe daughter of Daniel Dutoit the libraire is also identified as libraire himself in the partage recorded by Jean Daniel Crausaz in 1738. Further, the same partage says that the "belle-mère" (probably meaning mother-in-law in this context) of Agathe is named Maillet. Pierre paid for the burial of his father-in-law, for which he was repaid in the settlement.

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Pierre DUTOIT       (ID #I3765)

Father: Josias DUTOIT (dates unknown)
Mother: Anne CHASSEAU (dates unknown)


                                               _Jaques DUTOIT ______+
                                              | (1605 - 1666)       
                       _Jean François DUTOIT _|
                      | (1630 - 1694)         |
                      |                       |_Magdelaine BECHET __+
 _Josias DUTOIT ______|
|  m 1699             |
|                     |                        _Daniel DUTOIT ______+
|                     |                       | (.... - 1642) m 1630
|                     |_Marguerite DUTOIT ____|
|                       (1635 - 1716)         |
|                                             |_Claudine MAURON ____
|                                               (.... - 1658) m 1630
|--Pierre DUTOIT 
|  (1702 - ....)
|                                              _____________________
|                                             |                     
|                      _______________________|
|                     |                       |
|                     |                       |_____________________
|                     |                                             
|_Anne CHASSEAU ______|
   m 1699             |
                      |                        _____________________
                      |                       |                     

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Pierre DUTOIT       (ID #I2235)

Father: Gabriel DUTOIT (d. BEF 1659)
Mother: Marie FUDRI (d. BEF 1694)

Family 1 : Marie FROSSARD (d. 18 SEP 1729)
  1. +Pierre (Pierre Philippe) DUTOIT (d. 1745)
  2.  Susanne DUTOIT (dates unknown)
  3.  Anne Marguerite DUTOIT (dates unknown)
  4. +Isaac DUTOIT (dates unknown)
  5.  Jeanne Elizabeth DUTOIT (dates unknown)


Named as Officer de Moudon in a document of 09 apr 1694, Isaac Dutoit notary (ACV DL 69/1), which shows that his mother Marie Fudry had died. He survived until at least 27 dec 1709, when notary Jean Pierre Gindre recorded a transaction involving Pierre Dutoit "ancien officier de ville de Moudon". The published account of this family adds another child Pierre who married Jeanne Rosat, but that Pierre belongs in the dit "ès André" branch, and not here! However, there may have been other children, not yet discovered.

So far, we have found no citation of this Pierre that connects him to Chavannes. He is always listed either as "officier de ville de Moudon" or simply "de Moudon". Although his ancestry is found in Chavannes, his family was by now firmly rooted in Moudon. The distinction is important, because it helps us sort out the other, more ambiguous records. Where a child is attributed to Pierre Dutoit "de Chavannes", we can be fairly sure it is not a child of Pierre Dutoit and Marie Frossard!

However, he inherited land at Chavannes, as the following explains:

Jaques Crausaz, notary at Moudon, 22 may 1693.

Acquis pour Monsieur Isaac Nicaty bourgeois de Moudon, Contre les honnorables Pierre Dutoict Officier et Denys Besonson Beaufreres dudit Moudon.

Evident & manifeste soit a qui il appartiendra, que le vingte deuxzieme du mois de May, mille six cents nonante trois, se sont personnellement establis, les honnorables Pierre Dutoict Officier de ville de Moudon, et Denys Besenson son beaufrere, et iceux agissant tans a leurs noms que d'honnorable Abraham Demont leur Beaufrere dudit lieu, Scachant et bien adviséz pour eux et les leurs, ont vendu & habandonné purement et perpetuellement, A Spectable Docte & Scavant Isaac Nicaty bourgeois dudit Moudon, & Seigneur Ministre de la parolle de Dieu à Mézières, absent, honnorable Claude Mojonni son granger en Riombouz a son nom et pour luy present & acceptant, Assavoir un morcel de prez riere Chavanes lieudit au Mareches, pour faire l'environ un Char de foin, que fust cy devant des biens de fust le Sieur Gabriel Dutoict pere et beaupere desdits Vendeurs, et c'est au meme droit et de la même maniere que la possedé & jouit ledit Deffunct, se limittant, Jouxte la terre d'Anthoyne Veyre d'orient, celle de Jaques Dutoict d'occident, celle de Daniel Dutoict et le prez dudit Sieur Ministre de bize, et la terre de Claudy Duc avec en partie celle dudit Jaques Dutoict de vent, avec ces fonds, fruits, droits et appartenances et despendances quelconques, laquelle vendition a été faitte, pour la somme de cent nonante florins ce distrente huict escus pptz. [petit poids] de Capital, et six sols par escus tant pour vins honnoraires que vin beuz, le tout payé et satisfait, au moyen de quoy ledit Sieur Acquisiteur en demeure a acquitté et les siens à perpetuité par cestes, a l'effect de quoy lesdits Vendeurs se sont des cestes dudit morcel de prez, et en ont Investu ledit Sieur Acquisiteur, et promis par l'obligation de leurs biens de luy en porter et aux siens susdits bonne et perpetuelle maintenance deffence et guerence envers et contre tous en tous jugements et dehors, excepté pour les censes directes et les autres droits Seigneuraux qui se trouveront dheus, pour iceluy a l'advenir par ledit Sieur Acquisiteur supportables, ce qu'a été ainsi fait et passé audit Moudon sous toutes autres Clausules et renonciations requises avec la Signature du Notaire soussigné, en presence d'Egrege Elie Testaz de Chamblon, et honnorable Jean Anthoyne Dutoict de Chavanes têmoins, le susdit jour 22e May 1693.

Pierre was dead by 1709, but we have not located any significant documents relating to his estate. If such documents can be found, perhaps in the records of the cour de justice at Moudon, we might be able to make more definitive statements about his children.

                                             _François DUTOIT ____+
                                            | (1568 - 1602)       
                       _David DUTOIT _______|
                      |  m 1604             |
                      |                     |_____________________
 _Gabriel DUTOIT _____|
| (.... - 1659) m 1643|
|                     |                      _____________________
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_Pernon _____ _______|
|                       (.... - 1624) m 1604|
|                                           |_____________________
|--Pierre DUTOIT 
|  (.... - 1709)
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _Claude FUDRI _______|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Marie FUDRI ________|
  (.... - 1694) m 1643|
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

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Pierre DUTOIT       (ID #I2240)

Father: Daniel DUTOIT (d. 1665)
Mother: Christine BUTTET (d. AFT 1685)

Family 1 : Jeanne ROSAT (d. AFT 1731)
  1. +Jeanne Estienne DUTOIT (d. 28 MAY 1756)
  2. +Isaac Philippe DUTOIT (d. 21 JUL 1731)
  3.  Antoine DUTOIT (dates unknown)
  4.  Susanne DUTOIT (dates unknown)
  5.  Philippe DUTOIT (dates unknown)


The children given here are those from the published account, which assumed the Pierre who married Jeanne Rosat was the son of Pierre Dutoit of Moudon and Marie Frossard. However, the same Pierre is also claimed to have married Marie DeBonnet and emigrated to America. Evidently, there are multiple Pierre's. The one who descends from Marie Frossard was Pierre Philippe Dutoit, father of the minister Dutoit-Membrini. The Recueil des Généalogies Vaudoises notes confusion over the baptismal date in a footnote, but does not explain how a Pierre Dutoit supposedly born in 1671 could have fathered children as early as 1685.

It now appears all but certain that the baptism listed in the published account for the Pierre who married Jeanne Rosat is actually the baptism of Pierre Philippe Dutoit, son of Pierre Dutoit and Marie Frossard. Is it possible that these two persons (Pierre who married Jeanne Rosat and Pierre Philippe who married Susanne Membrini) are actually one? Evidently not, as Pierre Philippe was studying at Lausanne at the same time this Pierre was living in Moudon. The Pierre who married Jeanne Rosat would more likely have been born no later than about 1660-1665, in order to have children as early as 1685. Moreover, we have not found any indication that the husband of Jeanne Rosat is in fact a son of Pierre Dutoit and Marie Frossard, or indeed that Pierre and Marie ever had a son Pierre (apart from Pierre Philippe).

The very same 1671 baptism for Pierre Dutoit is claimed by SOME descendants of the Pierre Dutoit who was among the earliest settlers at Manakintown, Henrico Co., VA. His will identifies him as Pierre Dutoit "de Moudon", and the only Pierre of about the right age recorded at Moudon is this one in 1671. Another group of descendants from the same settler of Manakintown, apparently unaware of his will, relies on an account attributed to a descendant born in 1838, which says that he was Pierre Dutois, Huguenot refugee from France, whose children escaped into Holland hidden in baskets of vegetables. This account even includes the detail that a brave young son was wounded in the leg when a soldier thrust a sword into the basket in which he was hiding, but the boy did not make a sound until the danger had passed. As far as we can determine, the settler was a single man when he arrived at Manakintown in the company of an Abraham Nicod. We suppose the settler's origins might equally be sought in the vicinity of Vevey.

The first real documentary evidence for the identity of the Pierre Dutoit who married Jeanne Rosat was found in the records of Pierre Dutoit, notary at Vevey, and it points in an entirely different direction. A document 20 feb 1694 concerns a sale, Pierre Dutoit justicier de Chavannes for his wife Jeanne Rosat, to George Terraux of Corsier, regarding a vineyard at Corsier. Another document of 19 may 1694 has Pierre and Jeanne selling to Jaques François de la Fontaine of Vevey, a property above the church at La Chiésaz. Jeanne Rosat had acquired this property that day in a settlement of an estate, but unfortunately the nature of the estate was not described. There was indeed a Pierre Dutoit justicier de Chavannes at about this time, but he was the son of Daniel Dutoit dit ès André, and he had children Estiennaz and Isaac who are named in various documents about 1730. This compares favorably, as far as it goes, with the known children of the Pierre Dutoit who married Jeanne Rosat.

Further searching reveals: 21 dec 1701, Pierre Dutoit dit ès Andrey juré de Chavannes, debt to Jaques Escuyer of "Imonens"(?) (Daniel Antoine Jossevel, notary). 18 jan 1708, he witnesses a document of the same notary. 19 sep 1717, Isaac and Jacob Dutoit of Chavannes, brothers, sell to Isaac son of the late Pierre Dutoit dit ès Andrey (Abraham Dutoit, notary, ACV DL 92/2). 05 feb 1729, Baltazard Dutoit dit ès Andrey for children of the late Pierre Dutoit dit ès Andrey against various Crausaz, Pierre's son Isaac is present representing the other children (Daniel Antoine Jossevel). 27 oct 1730, Isaac son of the late Pierre Dutoit dit ès Andrey en son vivant justicier de Chavannes, and Benjamin Crausaz for his wife Estienne Dutoit, sister of Isaac, including mention of their uncle the late Philippe Dutoit (same notary). 12 nov 1731, Eve Bralliard widow of the late Isaac Dutoit, and Benjamin Crausaz for his wife Estienne Dutoit, agreement to divide debts that they share (same notary).

Therefore, we assign the baptism of 1671 to Pierre Philippe, and we assign the Pierre who married Jeanne Rosat to his rightful place in the dit "ès André" branch of the Dutoit clan.

                                             _Claude DUTOIT ______
                                            | (.... - 1594)       
                       _André DUTOIT _______|
                      | (.... - 1629) m 1619|
                      |                     |_____________________
 _Daniel DUTOIT ______|
| (.... - 1665) m 1643|
|                     |                      _____________________
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_Françoise PIDOUX ___|
|                       (.... - 1629) m 1619|
|                                           |_____________________
|--Pierre DUTOIT 
|  (.... - 1717)
|                                            _Guillaume BUTTET ___+
|                                           | (.... - 1625) m 1588
|                      _Pierre BUTTET ______|
|                     |  m 1626             |
|                     |                     |_Eve NICOD-ARNAUD ___+
|                     |                        m 1588             
|_Christine BUTTET ___|
  (.... - 1685) m 1643|
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     
                      |_Jeanne _____ _______|
                         m 1626             |

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Pierre DUTOIT       (ID #I3858)

Father: François DUTOIT (b. BEF 1613, d. BEF 1662)
Mother: Pernette CUENET (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Louise RÉGIS (dates unknown)
  1.  Jean Jacob DUTOIT (dates unknown)
  2.  Marie Judith DUTOIT (dates unknown)
  3.  Claudine DUTOIT (dates unknown)
  4.  Marc Elie DUTOIT (dates unknown)
Family 2 : Marie BLANCHER (d. 15 JAN 1733)
  1. +Jeanne Marie Anne DUTOIT (d. 4 MAR 1729)
  2.  Susanne Marie DUTOIT (dates unknown)


This is apparently the Pierre Dutoit, notary, whose registers from 1672-1730 have survived. He seems to have been working then at Corsier-sur-Vevey. We identify him with the Pierre Dutoit noted as "égrège" in the 1670's, and ultimately with the son of "discret" François born in 1646. He was admitted to the notariat of Vevey 10 jan 1672, according to his "minutaire premier". His wife was probably daughter of Régis, Receveur at Corsier.

A volume of records he forwarded to the Bailliage of Lausanne biennially from 1692 to 1718, relating to payment of lods (in effect, a real estate transfer fee), has survived, along with a letter of transmittal that accompanied the records he sent in 1718. The outside address, as microfilmed by the Mormons, includes the image of what seems to be a 300-year old housefly. The letter itself notes that he is now in his 73rd year, and is the oldest of the notaries. If he can have a modest pension, he writes, he will be able to continue to hold up his pen and perform his function as notary:

Magnifique Puissant et Très-Honoré Seigneur, Ensemble la Noble Séance,

"Le pauvre Notaire Dutoit de Vevey, le Très-humble et Très-obéissant Serviteur de Votre Seigneurie, Vous Remonstre avec tout le respect et la soumission dont il peut estre capable, Qu'ayant considéré les lettres qu'il a pleu a Votre Seigneurie de lui addresser, que comme elles ne portent que de produire les registres de rière Votre Baliage, et qu'il ne s'agit que des actes portantz lauds pour lesquels recevoir il a demandé la permissions, tout le reste ayant été receu rière le Baliage de Vevey, Blonay, Monstreux, etc., cela ne Vous auroit causé que de la peine et du chagrin inutilement, C'est pourquoy il vous envoye ce qu'il a receu et stipulé depuis le 12 8bre 1716, après ce qu'il en a envoyé à Mr. Portaz le Receveur de Votre Seigneurie en vertu de Votre ordonnance dudit jour, les ayant relevé en particulier. et sans aucune exception, Vous demandant Très-humblement pardon s'il ne les a pas pû porter Jeudi dernier, ne luy étant pas possible de porter aucune chose, ayant desja trop de peine de se porter soy-même, estant dans la 73 année de son aage, fort foible de Corps, de moyens et de facultez, que s'il étoit moyenné, il ne seroit pas si mal habillé, de sorte qu'il est digne de Compassion et de l'avoir en recomandation pour quelque temps et jours qu'il a vivre. Et ainsi, il prie Très-humblement Votre Magnifique Seigneurie de la maintenir en son droict et de la suporter un peu, veu sa pauvreté. Et qu'il n'a pas de quoy vivre ny soutenir sa famille, que si cela n'est, il sera contraint de recourir à LL. EE. pour les suplier Très-humblement de lui ordonner pension pour subsister le reste de ses jours, et luy et sa famille. Et ainsi en lui maintenant la plume, il n'aura pas besoin d'incommoder LL. EE. pour ce sujet, partant il suplie encore Très-humblement Votre Magnifique Seigneurie de le suporter un peu, car ce sera un acte de Charité, comme on suporte bien des personnes qui s'anticipent de recevoir les actes portantz lauds hors de leur pouvoir, je veux dire rière les terres de Votre Seigneurie de Lausanne, auxquels on ne dit mot, et que sans me flatter, je donne les designations plus librement que tous les autres du Baliage, car je peux dire en pure vérité que feu le Receveur Régis se venoit souvent plaindre a moy, disant que ceux de Corsier étoyent fort négligentz à bailler leurs designations, me venant trouver pour scavoir si je les avoy receus. Et ainsi estant le plus vieux de tous les Notaires, privé de facultez, il se recommande derechef à Votre Magnifique Seigneurie et Noble assistance, de le laisser subsister le reste de ses jours avec sa plume. Car il s'asseure que Dieu Vous en sera le Remunerateur tant en ce siècle quen celuy qui est a venir. Et en interinant son humble Requeste, il continuera ses voeux et prières au Toutpuissant pour la prospérité et bénédiction de Votre Magnifique Seigneurie et Noble et Généreuse famille.

[Translation: "The poor Notary Dutoit of Vevey, most humble and obedient servant of Your Lordship, reminds you with all the respect and submission of which he is capable, that having considered the letters it has pleased Your Lordship to address to him, and as they only concerned producing the registers from within Your Bailliwick, and that it is only a matter of the acts requiring fees that have been requested, all the rest pertaining to the Bailliwicks of Vevey, Blonay, Montreux, etc., these would only cause you unnecessary trouble and inconvenience. That is why he sends you what he has recorded and stipulated since the 12th of October, 1716, after those that he sent to Mr. Portaz, the Receiver of Your Lordship by virtue of your ordonnance of that date, having copied them specifically and without exception, begging most humbly your pardon if he has not been able to deliver them last Thursday, it being impossible for him to deliver anything, being in too much pain to deliver even himself, being in the 73rd year of his age, very weak in body, means, and faculties, which if he had, he would not be so poorly dressed, so that he is worthy of compassion and to be favored for such time and days as he may still live. And thus, he prays most humbly to Your Magnificent Lordship to maintain him as his due and to support him a little, in view of his poverty. And as he has neither the means to support himself nor his family, he will have no recourse but to petition Their Excellencies to beg them most humbly to decree a pension for his subsistence for the rest of his days, both for himself and his family. And thus holding up his pen, he will have no need of inconveniencing Their Excellencies on this subject, if he might ask Your Magnificent Lordship to support him a little, for that would be an act of Charity, as one would support those who can be expected to record acts incurring fees outside their districts, I mean to say within Your District of Lausanne, about which no one says a word, and that, without flattering myself, I give the information more freely than all the others of this Bailliwick, for I can tell you in pure truth that the late Receiver Régis often came to complain to me, saying that the notaries of Corsier were most negligent in forwarding the information, coming to me to see if I had received anything from them. And thus being the oldest of all the Notaries, deprived of faculties, he recommends himself once again to Your Magnificent Lordship and noble assistance, to let him continue for the rest of his days with his pen. For he assures himself that God will be your renumerator in this age as well as that which is to come. And in forwarding his humble request, he continues his good wishes and prayers to the All Powerful for the prosperity and well-being of Your Magnificent Lordship and Noble and Generous family."]

The compiled genealogies of de Montet at the Archives Communales de Vevey make him a brother of Jaques Dutoit, son of Isaac, and note only the second wife and a total of four children. They do, however, give additional information, including death dates.

[1411] Date given by de Montet, in compiled genealogies at the Archives Communales de Vevey, p. 221.

[14489] Church record does not give parentage of either spouse, but it does list the groom as "Eg. Pierre Dutoict", thus indicating he is a notary.

                                             _Thomas DUTOIT ______+
                                            | (.... - 1595)       
                       _Pierre DUTOIT ______|
                      | (1570 - ....)       |
                      |                     |_____________________
 _François DUTOIT ____|
| (1613 - 1662) m 1634|
|                     |                      _Pierre RUBATTEL ____
|                     |                     | (.... - 1611)       
|                     |_Salomé RUBATTEL ____|
|                       (.... - 1629)       |
|                                           |_____________________
|--Pierre DUTOIT 
|  (.... - 1730)
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _Claude CUENET ______|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Pernette CUENET ____|
   m 1634             |
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

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Pierre DUTOIT       (ID #I4105)

Father: Jean Jaques DUTOIT (dates unknown)
Mother: Marie MOTTAZ (dates unknown)


                                                   _Jaques DUTOIT ______+
                       _Jean Jaques DUTOIT _______|
                      | (.... - 1745) m 1717      |
                      |                           |_Genon MARTIN _______
 _Jean Jaques DUTOIT _|
|  m 1758             |
|                     |                            _Isaac LAGNIAZ ______
|                     |                           |                     
|                     |_Jeanne LAGNIAZ ___________|
|                        m 1717                   |
|                                                 |_____________________
|--Pierre DUTOIT 
|  (1771 - ....)
|                                                  _____________________
|                                                 |                     
|                      _Abraham MOTTAZ ___________|
|                     | (.... - 1758)             |
|                     |                           |_____________________
|                     |                                                 
|_Marie MOTTAZ _______|
   m 1758             |
                      |                            _____________________
                      |                           |                     
                      |_Jeanne Françoise PORCHET _|

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Pierre DUTOIT       (ID #I4415)

Father: Pierre DUTOIT (dates unknown)
Mother: Louise RAPPAZ (dates unknown)


                                                 _Jaques DUTOIT ______+
                       _Jaques François DUTOIT _|
                      | (.... - 1773) m 1729    |
                      |                         |_Genon MARTIN _______
 _Pierre DUTOIT ______|
|  m 1767             |
|                     |                          _Jean Pierre DUTOIT _+
|                     |                         |                     
|                     |_Jeanne DUTOIT __________|
|                       (1701 - 1773) m 1729    |
|                                               |_____________________
|--Pierre DUTOIT 
|  (1773 - 1774)
|                                                _____________________
|                                               |                     
|                      _________________________|
|                     |                         |
|                     |                         |_____________________
|                     |                                               
|_Louise RAPPAZ ______|
   m 1767             |
                      |                          _____________________
                      |                         |                     

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Pierre DUTOIT       (ID #I2706)

Father: Joseph DUTOIT (dates unknown)
Mother: Susanne Françoise (Fanchette) ROBERT (b. 1753, d. 8 JUN 1811)

Family 1 : Rose PANCHAUD (dates unknown)
  1.  Gabrielle DUTOIT (b. 11 APR 1799)
  2.  Louise Hélène DUTOIT (b. 17 JUN 1801, d. 3 NOV 1818)
  3.  Abraham DUTOIT (b. 13 AUG 1803)
  4.  Esther Louise DUTOIT (b. 30 MAY 1807, d. 14 APR 1817)
  5.  Marianne DUTOIT (b. 1 JAN 1809)


Baptised as Pierre, but on at least two occasions after 1800 identified as Jean Pierre Dutoit.

                                                                 _Jean Pierre DUTOIT ____+
                                         _David DUTOIT _________|
                                        | (.... - 1764) m 1739  |
                                        |                       |________________________
 _Joseph DUTOIT ________________________|
|  m 1774                               |
|                                       |                        _Jean Daniel GILLIÉRON _
|                                       |                       |                        
|                                       |_Magdelaine GILLIÉRON _|
|                                         (1702 - 1790) m 1739  |
|                                                               |________________________
|--Pierre DUTOIT 
|  (1777 - 1819)
|                                                                ________________________
|                                                               |                        
|                                        _Jean Philippe ROBERT _|
|                                       |                       |
|                                       |                       |________________________
|                                       |                                                
|_Susanne Françoise (Fanchette) ROBERT _|
  (1753 - 1811) m 1774                  |
                                        |                        ________________________
                                        |                       |                        

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Pierre (?) DUTOIT       (ID #I2168)

Father: Daniel DUTOIT (b. ABT 1625, d. BEF 1688)
Mother: Susanne VEYRE (dates unknown)


Only the last few letters of the given name are visible in the microfilmed parish register.

[874] Witnesses include: Pierre Becholey le vieux, Pierre Becholey le jeune, cousins, (of each other?), Jeanne femme de Jean Becholey, Marguerite fille de Jean Pinget.

                                             _Moyse DUTOIT _______+
                                            | (1566 - 1625) m 1586
                       _Jean DUTOIT ________|
                      | (1596 - 1654)       |
                      |                     |_Sara BECHOLEY ______+
                      |                        m 1586             
 _Daniel DUTOIT ______|
| (1625 - 1688) m 1650|
|                     |                      _____________________
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_Benoicte _____ _____|
|                       (1600 - 1654)       |
|                                           |_____________________
|--Pierre (?) DUTOIT 
|                                            _Jean VEYRE _________+
|                                           |                     
|                      _Michel VEYRE _______|
|                     | (.... - 1658) m 1624|
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Susanne VEYRE ______|
   m 1650             |
                      |                      _Daniel GENIER ______
                      |                     | (.... - 1625)       
                      |_Catherine GENIER ___|
                        (1600 - 1658) m 1624|

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Pierre (François) DUTOIT       (ID #I4272)

Father: Abraham DUTOIT (b. ABT 1669, d. MAR 1736)
Mother: Pernette MOLIE (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Andréaz BLANCHARD (b. ABT 1711, d. 10 AUG 1801)
  1.  Jeanne Françoise DUTOIT (dates unknown)
  2. +Joseph DUTOIT (dates unknown)
  3. +Jean François DUTOIT (d. 20 JUL 1819)
  4.  Françoise DUTOIT (b. 23 NOV 1746)
  5.  Jeanne Marie (Marianne) DUTOIT (b. 5 JUL 1750)
  6. +Henri Louis DUTOIT (d. 6 JUL 1797)


Name of the child is not given in the baptismal record, but there is no other record at Vullierens that could be his. However, there are no children baptised in this family between 1710 and 1717, suggesting that they may have lived elsewhere. The name of his wife permits us to identify him with the Pierre François Dutoit whose daughter Jeanne Marie was married in Geneva to Jaques Etienne Besançon (J. P. Vignier,notary at Geneva, vol. 33, p. 127, contract dated 06 sep 1790).

                      |  |
                      |  |__
 _Abraham DUTOIT _____|
| (1669 - 1736) m 1708|
|                     |   __
|                     |  |  
|                     |__|
|                        |
|                        |__
|--Pierre (François) DUTOIT 
|  (.... - 1790)
|                         __
|                        |  
|                      __|
|                     |  |
|                     |  |__
|                     |     
|_Pernette MOLIE _____|
   m 1708             |
                      |   __
                      |  |  

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Pierre (Jean Pierre?) DUTOIT       (ID #I3983)

Father: François DUTOIT (d. BEF 1724)
Mother: Anne AMY (d. BEF 1718)

Family 1 : Susanne BOURGEOIS (b. ABT 1701, d. 28 MAY 1764)
  1. +Magdelaine Claudine DUTOIT (d. 10 MAR 1765)
  2.  Anne DUTOIT (dates unknown)
  3.  Jaques Daniel DUTOIT (dates unknown)
  4.  Jeanne Marie DUTOIT (dates unknown)
  5.  Susanne Marguerite DUTOIT (dates unknown)
  6.  Julie DUTOIT (dates unknown)


This is presumably the same person as Jean Pierre Dutoit son of François and the late Anne Amy, with uncle Jean Pierre Dutoit, all of Neyruz, mentioned in a document of Daniel Favre, notary, 27 jun 1718. He was dead by 19 mar 1760, as the following notation appears on that date in the records of Jaques David Burnand, notary and Curial at Moudon: "Les affaires de la veuve de Pierre Dutoit née Bourgeois de cette ville ont été arrangés et corroborés judiciallement."

[1437] Record probably is for this man, age at death was 43, but there is no other identifying information in the death record.

                                             _Daniel DUTOIT ______+
                                            | (.... - 1662)       
                       _Aimé DUTOIT ________|
                      | (.... - 1700) m 1667|
                      |                     |_Rose MOENNOZ _______+
 _François DUTOIT ____|
| (.... - 1724) m 1703|
|                     |                      _____________________
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_Susanne PAHUD ______|
|                        m 1667             |
|                                           |_____________________
|--Pierre (Jean Pierre?) DUTOIT 
|  (.... - 1747)
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _Pierre AMY _________|
|                     | (.... - 1703)       |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Anne AMY ___________|
  (.... - 1718) m 1703|
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

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Pierre (Pierre Philippe) DUTOIT       (ID #I2242)

Father: Pierre DUTOIT (d. AFT 1709)
Mother: Marie FROSSARD (d. 18 SEP 1729)

Family 1 : Susanne MEMBRINI (d. 7 DEC 1748)
  1.  Jean Philippe DUTOIT (b. 27 SEP 1721, d. 21 JAN 1793)


The baptism dated 09 may 1671 says: "Pierre fils de M. Pierre Dutoit et de Marie Frossard jugaux par M. Pierre Caviens (?) conseiller et hon. Esther Frossard sa femme." The sponsor is Pierre Gavin, who married Esther Frossard 08 jul 1654.

At least three separate families have claimed this as the baptism of their ancestor. It is still possible that all of these claims are incorrect!

First, the published Dutoit genealogy makes this the baptism of the Pierre Dutoit who married Jeanne Rosat (with a footnote that acknowledges but does not resolve the problem that would occur with respect to the baptismal date if he was indeed the one who married Rosat—he would have been impossibly young for marriage). We have disposed of that claim by locating information about the actual relationships of the husband of Jeanne Rosat.

Second, this appears to be the correct parentage for the Philippe or Pierre Philippe Dutoit who married Susanne Membrini and whose son was the famous mystic Jean Philippe Dutoit-Membrini (this parentage, but not attached to this baptism, is also in the published genealogy).

Third, the same Pierre Dutoit is claimed by descendants of Pierre Dutoit "de Moudon" who settled at Manakintown, Virginia, and died in 1726. (The settler at Manakintown was on the first ship that arrived 23 jul 1700. In most of the lists relating to the colony, he appears in association with Abraham Nicod, who we suppose was also from Moudon. There is no mention of Nicod after about 1702. On the passenger list, Pierre "du Toy" is single, but by the end of 1700 he had married, as had many of the other colonists. His testament says he is "de Moudon" but does not give any other detail that would allow us to identify him.)

The second of these claims is very likely correct, but some of the supporting evidence may be subject to other interpretations.

Henri Vuilleumier (Histoire de l'Eglise Réformée du Pays de Vaud, 1933) reports that "Philippe Dutoit", well known as the father of the minister Jean Philippe Dutoit-Membrini, was actually Pierre Philippe Dutoit, born about 1672 , noted in the Livre du Recteur of the Académie of Lausanne 14 jun 1686 ("promotion à l'auditoire d'éloquence") as Petrus Philippus Detecto Meldunensis. This account notes that he went to school with the future Major Davel, an assertion not made, as far as we are aware, by Dutoit-Membrini himself, but factual from the point of view of chronology. He intended a religious career, but the example of his professors dissuaded him. The fact that Jean Philippe's father attended the Académie is noted in Jean Philippe's writings.

Returning to Moudon, he was at one point denounced as a pietist (date not given by Vuilleumier), leading to his imprisonment at Bern by the Chambre de Religion. However, his trial was discontinued for lack of evidence. He remained imprisoned, nevertheless, until his jailer was ordered to leave the door open so that he could escape. The agent of the Chambre de Religion had to drop multiple hints before Dutoit finally took advantage of this invitation, after which he roamed the streets of Bern for some time just to be sure he was really supposed to be free. He removed to Frankfort-am-Main, but returned to the Pays de Vaud in time to serve with his countrymen at the battle of Villmergen in 1712. Several years later he married and established himself at Vevey, where he directed the Bureau des Postes (at least as early as 1728), and died there. He was a cousin of Siméon Frossard, minister at Combremont (Siméon Daniel Frossard, 1684-1763). Pierre Philippe's son Jean Philippe was sent to study with Siméon before attending the Académie in Lausanne. This known relationship helps to confirm the parentage of the minister Dutoit-Membrini.

Pierre Philippe's testament of 26 jan 1745 was probated 24 feb 1745 (records of Jaques David Burnand, notary and curial at Moudon). It names as universal heir his only son, "the proposant Dutoit". This would be Jean Philippe Dutoit-Membrini, who had still not been ordained.

The claim for the Manakintown settler is apparently based on proximity of dates. The present "Pierre", evidently Pierre Philippe, is simply the only Pierre whose baptism is recorded at Moudon at about the right time to be the settler. Unfortunately, Pierre Philippe was most certainly in Moudon as late as 1709, when he should already have been in Manakintown. Some of the Manakintown descendants have even gone so far as to state that Pierre, husband of Marie Frossard, also settled in Manakintown! Others of these descendants, perhaps for reasons of symmetry, say instead that the immigrant Pierre actually married his wife in Moudon, and further, that their daughter's husband in the next generation, surnamed Goss, was also from Moudon. These fantasies are completely unsupported.

Now, the identification of the Pierre Philippe who married Susanne Membrini may still need to be questioned. Among the transactions recorded by Isaac Dutoit, notary at Moudon (ACV DL 37/34), we found one dated 09 jan 1692 in which Jaquaz Trolliet, wife of Daniel Dutoit bourgeois de Moudon, advised by her husband and by her son Pierre Philippe Dutoit, proposant à l'Académie de Lausanne, acknowledge receipt of their share of the estate of their parents, Monsieur le Châtelain Trolliet and Salomé Mennod. While we have no reason to doubt the story that Jean Philippe Dutoit-Membrini's father attended the Académie with the future Major Davel, it may be that the entry in the Livre de Recteur in 1686 does not pertain to the present Pierre, but instead to the son of Daniel Dutoit and Jaquaz Trolliet. So far, it does not seem possible for their son Pierre Philippe, whose baptism does not seem to have been recorded, to be a "cousin" of Siméon Frossard, so the present "Pierre" is still considered to have been the father of Jean Philippe Dutoit-Membrini. Further, the baptism of Jean Philippe Dutoit-Membrini was attended by "Marie grandmere dudit Philippe", apparently referring to the child rather than the father, who is also called Philippe in this record. Jean Philippe would have a grandmother Marie (Frossard) if he had the parentage suggested here; he would not have a grandmother Marie, as far as we can determine, if he were the grandson of Daniel Dutoit and Jaquaz Trolliet.

The project of correctly identifying the Dutoit entries in the Livre de Recteur has still to be undertaken.

[924] Or possibly 07 may, the record is difficult to read.

                                             _David DUTOIT _______+
                                            |  m 1604             
                       _Gabriel DUTOIT _____|
                      | (.... - 1659) m 1643|
                      |                     |_Pernon _____ _______
                      |                       (.... - 1624) m 1604
 _Pierre DUTOIT ______|
| (.... - 1709) m 1669|
|                     |                      _Claude FUDRI _______
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_Marie FUDRI ________|
|                       (.... - 1694) m 1643|
|                                           |_____________________
|--Pierre (Pierre Philippe) DUTOIT 
|  (.... - 1745)
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _Pierre FROSSARD ____|
|                     |  m 1643             |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Marie FROSSARD _____|
  (.... - 1729) m 1669|
                      |                      _François BURNAND ___+
                      |                     | (.... - 1630)       
                      |_Marie BURNAND ______|
                         m 1643             |

Return to Index

Pierre Abraham DUTOIT       (ID #I5657)

Father: Jaques Pierre DUTOIT (b. 1 DEC 1761)
Mother: Jeanne Marguerite COSANDEY (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Jeanne Marie GAVILLET (dates unknown)


                                                        _Daniel DUTOIT ______+
                                                       | (.... - 1743) m 1714
                               _Pierre Vincent DUTOIT _|
                              |  m 1747                |
                              |                        |_Ursule PACHE _______+
                              |                           m 1714             
 _Jaques Pierre DUTOIT _______|
| (1761 - ....) m 1783        |
|                             |                         _Pierre AUGSBURGER __
|                             |                        | (.... - 1749) m 1706
|                             |_Elizabeth AUGSBURGER __|
|                                m 1747                |
|                                                      |_Christine VEYRE ____
|                                                         m 1706             
|--Pierre Abraham DUTOIT 
|                                                       _____________________
|                                                      |                     
|                              _Jean COSANDEY _________|
|                             |                        |
|                             |                        |_____________________
|                             |                                              
|_Jeanne Marguerite COSANDEY _|
   m 1783                     |
                              |                         _____________________
                              |                        |                     
                              |_Jeanne CORNAMUSE ______|

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Pierre Abraham DUTOIT       (ID #I3148)

Father: Isaac DUTOIT (b. BEF 1710, d. 1742)
Mother: Susanne Christine MONT (dates unknown)


We are wondering if this might be the Pierre Abraham Dutoit whose wife died at Oppens in 1789? There does not seem to be another Pierre Abraham of that generation.

                          |                     |
                          |                     |__
 _Isaac DUTOIT ___________|
| (1710 - 1742) m 1730    |
|                         |                      __
|                         |                     |  
|                         |_____________________|
|                                               |
|                                               |__
|--Pierre Abraham DUTOIT 
|                                                __
|                                               |  
|                          _Jean Antoine MONT __|
|                         | (.... - 1730)       |
|                         |                     |__
|                         |                        
|_Susanne Christine MONT _|
   m 1730                 |
                          |                      __
                          |                     |  

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Pierre Abraham DUTOIT       (ID #I2211)

Father: Jaques DUTOIT (dates unknown)
Mother: Jaquemas (Salomé?) DEVAUX (d. 6 FEB 1733)


                                                    _Jean DUTOIT ________+
                                                   | (1620 - 1685) m 1644
                              _Isaac DUTOIT _______|
                             | (.... - 1728) m 1685|
                             |                     |_Jeanne OLEVEY ______+
                             |                       (.... - 1685) m 1644
 _Jaques DUTOIT _____________|
|  m 1718                    |
|                            |                      _Jean Jaques MONOD __
|                            |                     |                     
|                            |_Anne Marie MONOD ___|
|                              (1668 - 1733) m 1685|
|                                                  |_____________________
|--Pierre Abraham DUTOIT 
|  (1721 - 1793)
|                                                   _____________________
|                                                  |                     
|                             _Michel DEVAUX ______|
|                            | (.... - 1720)       |
|                            |                     |_____________________
|                            |                                           
|_Jaquemas (Salomé?) DEVAUX _|
  (.... - 1733) m 1718       |
                             |                      _____________________
                             |                     |                     

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Pierre Abraham DUTOIT       (ID #I3380)

Father: Samuel DUTOIT (d. 16 JAN 1781)
Mother: Marie DESARZENS (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Marianne Sabine GAVIN (dates unknown)
  1.  Daniel Louis DUTOIT (b. 6 AUG 1797, d. 25 OCT 1797)
  2.  Jean Gabriel DUTOIT (b. 17 JAN 1799, d. 18 MAR 1799)
  3.  Daniel Antoine DUTOIT (b. 23 AUG 1800)


                                                    _Isaac DUTOIT _______+
                                                   | (.... - 1728) m 1685
                       _Jaques DUTOIT _____________|
                      |  m 1718                    |
                      |                            |_Anne Marie MONOD ___+
                      |                              (1668 - 1733) m 1685
 _Samuel DUTOIT ______|
| (.... - 1781) m 1765|
|                     |                             _Michel DEVAUX ______
|                     |                            | (.... - 1720)       
|                     |_Jaquemas (Salomé?) DEVAUX _|
|                       (.... - 1733) m 1718       |
|                                                  |_____________________
|--Pierre Abraham DUTOIT 
|  (1765 - ....)
|                                                   _____________________
|                                                  |                     
|                      _Jacob DESARZENS ___________|
|                     | (.... - 1765)              |
|                     |                            |_____________________
|                     |                                                  
|_Marie DESARZENS ____|
   m 1765             |
                      |                             _____________________
                      |                            |                     

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Pierre Abraham DUTOIT       (ID #I3038)

Father: Baltazard DUTOIT (d. 17 OCT 1804)
Mother: Marie Elizabeth MORATEL (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Jeanne Marie POTTERAT (dates unknown)
  1.  Jeanne Louise DUTOIT (b. 14 JAN 1793, d. 20 NOV 1794)
  2.  Jean Daniel DUTOIT (b. 29 MAY 1794, d. 18 JUL 1794)
  3.  Jean Pierre DUTOIT (b. 28 SEP 1795, d. 1 DEC 1876)
  4.  Jeanne Marie DUTOIT (b. 14 DEC 1796)
  5.  Pierre Daniel DUTOIT (b. 28 OCT 1798, d. 25 FEB 1801)
  6.  Susanne DUTOIT (b. 14 OCT 1800)
  7.  Daniel DUTOIT (b. 10 JAN 1804)
  8.  Susanne Marie DUTOIT (b. 22 JAN 1806, d. 13 MAR 1816)
  9.  Jeanne Ursule DUTOIT (b. 18 NOV 1807)
  10.  Jeanne Louise DUTOIT (b. 4 DEC 1810)


                                                    _David DUTOIT _______+
                                                   | (1653 - ....) m 1688
                            _Abraham David DUTOIT _|
                           |  m 1724               |
                           |                       |_Dorothée ROCHETTAZ _+
                           |                          m 1688             
 _Baltazard DUTOIT ________|
| (.... - 1804) m 1759     |
|                          |                        _Pierre MARTIN ______
|                          |                       | (.... - 1736)       
|                          |_Susanne MARTIN _______|
|                            (1700 - 1773) m 1724  |
|                                                  |_Claudine WAGNIÈRES _
|                                                    (.... - 1736)       
|--Pierre Abraham DUTOIT 
|  (1766 - ....)
|                                                   _____________________
|                                                  |                     
|                           _Jean MORATEL _________|
|                          |                       |
|                          |                       |_____________________
|                          |                                             
|_Marie Elizabeth MORATEL _|
   m 1759                  |
                           |                        _____________________
                           |                       |                     

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Pierre Abraham DUTOIT       (ID #I3202)

Father: Jean Philippe DUTOIT (b. ABT 1736)
Mother: Jeanne Louise JAQUIERI (b. 1738, d. 5 APR 1768)


                                                      _Baltazard DUTOIT ___+
                                                     | (.... - 1729) m 1681
                           _Baltazard DUTOIT ________|
                          | (1700 - 1762) m 1726     |
                          |                          |_Estiennaz DUPUIS ___
                          |                             m 1681             
 _Jean Philippe DUTOIT ___|
| (1736 - ....) m 1765    |
|                         |                           _Christe VEYRE ______+
|                         |                          | (.... - 1726) m 1699
|                         |_Catherine Susanne VEYRE _|
|                            m 1726                  |
|                                                    |_Anne Ursule GAULEY _
|                                                       m 1699             
|--Pierre Abraham DUTOIT 
|  (1768 - 1768)
|                                                     _____________________
|                                                    |                     
|                          __________________________|
|                         |                          |
|                         |                          |_____________________
|                         |                                                
|_Jeanne Louise JAQUIERI _|
  (1738 - 1768) m 1765    |
                          |                           _____________________
                          |                          |                     

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Pierre Abraham DUTOIT       (ID #I4107)

Father: Jean David DUTOIT (dates unknown)
Mother: Jeanne AUGSBURGER (dates unknown)


                                                  _Daniel Philippe DUTOIT ___+
                                                 |  m 1717                   
                       _Abraham Philippe DUTOIT _|
                      |  m 1746                  |
                      |                          |_Jeanne Marguerite VOLERI _
                      |                             m 1717                   
 _Jean David DUTOIT __|
|  m 1778             |
|                     |                           _Jean Louis PACHE _________+
|                     |                          | (.... - 1745)             
|                     |_Jeanne Marie PACHE ______|
|                        m 1746                  |
|                                                |___________________________
|--Pierre Abraham DUTOIT 
|  (1779 - ....)
|                                                 _Pierre AUGSBURGER ________
|                                                | (.... - 1749) m 1706      
|                      _Samuel AUGSBURGER _______|
|                     |                          |
|                     |                          |_Christine VEYRE __________
|                     |                             m 1706                   
|_Jeanne AUGSBURGER __|
   m 1778             |
                      |                           ___________________________
                      |                          |                           

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Pierre Abraham DUTOIT       (ID #I2709)

Father: Jaques Moyse DUTOIT (d. BEF 1808)
Mother: Elizabeth DUTOIT (b. 28 DEC 1750, d. 14 JAN 1796)

Family 1 : Jeanne Françoise MERCANTON (dates unknown)


                        _Isaac DUTOIT ___________|
                       | (1710 - 1742) m 1730    |
                       |                         |________________________
 _Jaques Moyse DUTOIT _|
| (.... - 1808) m 1776 |
|                      |                          _Jean Antoine MONT _____
|                      |                         | (.... - 1730)          
|                      |_Susanne Christine MONT _|
|                         m 1730                 |
|                                                |________________________
|--Pierre Abraham DUTOIT 
|  (1783 - ....)
|                                                 _Antoine DUTOIT ________+
|                                                |  m 1712                
|                       _Jean Jaques DUTOIT _____|
|                      | (.... - 1781) m 1747    |
|                      |                         |_Estiennaz DUTOIT ______+
|                      |                           (.... - 1753) m 1712   
|_Elizabeth DUTOIT ____|
  (1750 - 1796) m 1776 |
                       |                          _Isaac BESANÇON ________
                       |                         | (.... - 1721)          
                       |_Jeanne Ursule BESANÇON _|
                         (.... - 1781) m 1747    |
                                                 |_Sara Judith CHEVALLEY _
                                                   (.... - 1780)          

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Legend: Protestant minister.

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