Document of Benoict Giraudet, notary, 06 may 1640, notes widow Pernon, and daughters Andréaz, Jaquemaz, and Eve, with their husbands. The marriage of the first daughter was the subject of a contract 01 aug 1631, J. Jayet, notary, at which time Abraham had already died and the bride was assisted by relatives Anthoine Dutoit, Banderet, and Jaques (dit) Maillard. This is Abraham dit Billet, who had a niece Andréaz, daughter of the late Jean Dutoit and wife of Jean Bettex.
We have accepted this conclusion after noting that Evaz, daughter of Abraham Dutoit, baptised in 1620, with sponsor David son of Jean Dutoit (David would be dit Billet), is noted in 1640 as the daughter of Abraham Dutoit and his wife Pernon. Pernon herself is still not conclusively identified, apart from a single reference in the church records that calls her Pernon Clerq—quite possibly an indication that she was Pernon Dutoit dit au Clerc! However, in the terrier ACV Fn 358, fol. 17v, she is explicitly identified as Pernon, fille de François Clerc du Maulborget (one of the sections of Moudon) relicte d'Abraham du Tey au nom de Jaques fils dudit Abraham du Tey, et Andria, Jaquemaz, et Eva ses soeurs.
There is a document of notary Jean Maquelin of Vevey concerning the inheritance of Abraham's three daughters, 24 mar 1640, for property in that area. There is, however, considerable confusion in some of the early records in the district of Vevey. There was apparently an earlier Abraham son of Rod Dutoit, possibly also with a daughter named Jaquemaz.
Abraham must have been the eldest of the surviving sons of Rod Dutoit dit Billet, because a settlement regarding taxes and inheritance shared with the Maillard branch of the Dutoit family notes that Abraham was the guardian of his brother Jean, and so all the papers relating to their family estate were in Abraham's possession as of 1618 (Denis Pivard, notary, 18 feb 1618).
Pernon is cited as the wife of Abraham Dutoit of Chavannes as early as February, 1603. Shortly before that date, 21 oct 1601, is the baptism of Daniel son of Abraham Dutoit. At this period, the names of them mothers are generally not recorded, but there seems to be no other Abraham (at least, no Abraham with a wife other than Pernon), so we assign all such children to the present Abraham.
_Pierre DUTOIT ______+ | (1490 - 1550) _Nicod DUTOIT _______| | (1518 - 1592) m 1539| | |_____________________ | _Rod DUTOIT _________| | (1560 - 1618) | | | _Roulx (Rod) VEYRE __+ | | | (1452 - 1524) | |_Françoise VEYRE ____| | (.... - 1559) m 1539| | |_Katherine BURCHET __+ | | |--Abraham DUTOIT | (1583 - 1631) | _____________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_____________________| | | _____________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________
_Claude DUTOIT ______+ | (1465 - 1528) _Maurice DUTOIT _____| | (1503 - 1559) m 1522| | |_Anteine _____ ______ | (.... - 1524) _Antoine DUTOIT _____| | (.... - 1584) | | | _Jean TROLLIET ______ | | | | |_Anteine TROLLIET ___| | m 1522 | | |_____________________ | | |--Abraham DUTOIT | (.... - 1592) | _____________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_____________________| | | _____________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________
Son of Anthoine Dutoit who was juge, banderet, etc. His widow remarried to Daniel Nicaty. What appears to be an estate sale is documented 20 sep 1666, Jaques Daniel Faucherres, notary. It is just possible he was the Abraham Dutoit who previously married to Jaquemaz DeCristaz, in which case he would have to be somewhat older than we thought. Among other reasons, Abraham Dutoit, hospitalier, appears at the baptisms of some of the grandchildren of Antoine Dutoit and Susanne Masset, suggesting a relationship to this family.
Another candidate for such an earlier marriage, definitely accepted here, is revealed in the registers at Granges, in the form of a marriage 04 feb 1648, Abraham Dutoit conseiller de Moudon, to Heleyne Joly widow of the late Claude Rochonnet and of George Buttex her second husband. Heleyne's baptism is found at Granges in 1602, and it would be very unsual for a young man to marry someone already twice a widow. Thus, it is far more likely that Abraham was born about 1600, which pushes a number of speculative dates back at least a decade, but not so much as to call the pedigree into question.
[14432] Contract 04 nov 1650, B. Girardet, notary.
_Maurice DUTOIT ________+ | (1503 - 1559) m 1522 _Thomas DUTOIT ______| | (1550 - 1593) m 1575| | |_Anteine TROLLIET ______+ | m 1522 _Antoine DUTOIT _____| | (.... - 1652) m 1609| | | _Antoine PANCHAUD ______ | | | | |_Mayre PANCHAUD _____| | (.... - 1609) m 1575| | |________________________ | | |--Abraham DUTOIT | (1600 - 1666) | _Philippe MASSET _______ | | (.... - 1572) | _Adam MASSET ________| | | (1546 - 1615) | | | |_Catherine DE MIENCIEZ _ | | |_Susanne MASSET _____| (1585 - 1649) m 1609| | ________________________ | | |_Anne Du PORRENTRUY _| | |________________________
His brother-in-law Jean Decristaz is also identified as "hospitalier". The long gap in the sequence of children suggests either confusion because of another Abraham Dutoit who married someone named Jaquemaz, or else that several children have been missed in this family. One possibility is that he is a son of Humbert Dutoit.
_Claude DUTOIT ______+ | (1465 - 1528) _Claude DUTOIT ______| | (1515 - 1574) | | |_Anteine _____ ______ | (.... - 1524) _Baltazard DUTOIT ___| | (1550 - 1620) m 1575| | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |_____________________ | | |--Abraham DUTOIT | (.... - 1630) | _____________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Claudine JAQUEZ ____| (.... - 1604) m 1575| | _____________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________
He may have been the one who married Jaquemaz Decristaz.
__ | _Jean Charles DUTOIT _| | | | |__ | _Humbert DUTOIT _____| | (.... - 1607) m 1594| | | __ | | | | |______________________| | | | |__ | | |--Abraham DUTOIT | (.... - 1633) | __ | | | _Claude BOEUF ________| | | (.... - 1579) | | | |__ | | |_Benoicte BOEUF _____| (.... - 1607) m 1594| | __ | | |______________________| | |__
Noted as student of philosphy at Lausanne, 1660, and régent (schoolmaster) at Moudon in 1675. He married Marie Esther Romey, daughter Susanne baptised at Moudon 02 jan 1677. He should have been about 18-20 years of age in 1660. This is not the Abraham André Dutoit, minister at Coterd. His marriage contract calls him "fidèle ministre du Saint Evangile", but he seems not to have secured an appointment as a minister, instead serving as schoolmaster (régent) at Moudon. No certain record after 1677.
His marriage contract was recorded by Philibert Del'Isle, notary a Lausanne, 13 dec 1675. While the notary left many names blank, including the names of the fathers of the bride and groom, he did identify Abraham's brother as Jean Dutoit, councillor at Moudon. Unfortunately, the name of another of Abraham's relatives, also a councillor, was left blank. However, with confirmation that this Abraham was in fact the brother of Jean Dutoit, conseiller, the relationships of this branch of the Dutoit clan now rest on a more solid footing.
Philibert Del'Isle, notary at Lausanne, 13 dec 1675.
Contract de Mariage d'Entre Monsieur Dutoict de Mouldon & Mademoiselle Marie Esther Romey.
A l'honneur et Gloire de Dieu, Amen, A tous present & advenir soit chose Notoire & manifese que l'an de grace courant mille six cents septante cinq & le treiziesme jour du moys de Decembre, par devant moy Notaire Juré Soubsigné et present, les temoings sousnommez, se sont en personne Constitués et establis Spectable & Scavant Abraham Dutoict bourgeois de Mouldon & fidelle Ministre du Saint Evangile, fils de feu _____ Dutoict son pere, traictant a son nom propre, d'une part, Et Assisté d'honnorable & prudent Jean Dutoict son frere & _____ _____ son parent tous deux Sieurs Conseillers duditt Mouldon, Et Damoiselle Marie Esther fille de feu _____ Romey d'autre part, Lesquelles parties estant de leurs droicts & actions dheuement Informées & certiffiés pour Eux, leurs hoirs & successeurs universels, ont fait & font entr'Elles les promesses matrimoniales suivantes; Premierementt lesdits Espoux et Espouse ont promis & promettent de se prendre & rettirer pour mary & femme legittimes & se faire Espouser en l'Eglise des fidelles Chrestiens selon l'ordre de Dieu & usage Chrestien. En contemplation duquel mariage ladite Espouse s'est constituée audit son Espoux avec tous & un chascun ses biens meubles & immeubles presents et advenir quelconques, Item, pour son trossel elle aura sa part du linge, plume, coettre, garderobe, en somme de tous les meubles de ses autres soeurs desquels le prenommé son Espoux sera tenu luy en faire confession & suivant assignal & de ce qu'il recepvra de sadite Espouse. Item, sera tenu ledit Espoux de l'habiller & enjoeller selon sa condition pour le jour de leurs nobces ou pour ses joyaux luy donnera la somme de cents escus petit poids. Item, lesusdit son Espoux promet de ne luy destraire aucun Capital sans l'expres consentement de deux de ses parents, de part & d'autre choisis, Et encor que l'extreme necessité ne fusse. D'ailleurs, a esté arresté que arrivant le deceds de la ditte Espouse avant son dit Espoux sans enfans, le dit Espoux ne pourra estre jouissant que de la moetié des biens de sa ditte Espouse, Et ayant des Enfans d'Icelle venant a ce l'autre monnaie (? these words are split between two lines, with omitted letters represented by lines over letters and a final upward stroke that could indicate that the final syllable has been abbreviated, something like this: l'au- / mo-e' ; the au- abbreviation is used for "autres" at two other places in the document) se partagera par sesdits Enfans par esgale portion. Il a esté conclud & arresté par lesdittes parties que tous les profits et espargnes qu'elles feront par ensemble soit en acquis de biens, fonts ou detres de Rente ou d'argent, se partageront par esgale portion & seront reversibles aux enfans qui naistront de son 1er mariage, Et pour toutes les autres conditions lesquelles ne sont icy exprimées, les parties s'en reigient (?) & rapporentt a la forme de l'ancien Coustumier de Mouldon, Jouxte laquelle le present contract de mariage se passe, Ainsi lesdites parties ont promis & promettent en bonne foy & soubs l'obligation de tous & un chascun leurs biens le present contract de mariage avoir pour agreable, ferme, stable & vallide sans y contrevenir ny aux contrevenants consentir a peine de tous damps, Interests et despends pour tel deffaut survenant, renonceants en oultre toutes choses au present Contract de Mariage contraires & requises de renoncer, faict & ainsi passé les jours & an predits, En presence de Monsieur Fevot Ministre de la parolle de Dieu a Lucy & Messieurs ses enfans, de Messieurs de Saussure, des Sieurs Jean Dutoict et freres, et Romey, cousin de l'Espoux & Espouse & autres parents & Alliez tesmoings.
[14462] Date of contract, Philibert Del'Isle, notary.
_Claude DUTOIT ______+ | (1515 - 1574) _Baltazard DUTOIT _______| | (1550 - 1620) m 1575 | | |_____________________ | _Jean DUTOIT _____________| | (.... - 1660) m 1620 | | | _____________________ | | | | |_Claudine JAQUEZ ________| | (.... - 1604) m 1575 | | |_____________________ | | |--Abraham DUTOIT | (1640 - ....) | _Estienne DECREVEL __ | | | _Hans Thiebaud DECREVEL _| | | (1570 - 1639) m 1593 | | | |_____________________ | | |_Anne (Annelle) DECREVEL _| (.... - 1668) m 1620 | | _Guy FRANC __________ | | (.... - 1593) |_Clemence FRANC _________| m 1593 | |_____________________
He might be the same person as the Abraham Dutoit "le jeune" who married Sara Dutoit. When that Abraham died, it was noted that he had three surviving children, but it is not known what became of them.
There is no indication where Abraham comes from, nor any other Dutoits in the parish records of Vullierens (begins 1682) or St.-Saphorin. He is always listed as Abraham Dutoit de St.-Saphorin. However, there are mentions of Dutoit (Du Toict or Du They) at St.-Saphorin-sur-Morges as early as 1624 in the church records of Morges, occasional possible references even earlier at Lausanne, and a citation of a Jehan and a Renaud Dutoit at Saint-Saphorin in 1274, suggesting that this family has been separated from the one at Moudon for at least 750 years (the earliest Dutoit reference found so far in the vicinity of Moudon is dated 1356), and may in fact be a completely unrelated family.
It is tempting to think that this is the Abraham whose mother was Sara Dutoit (who remarried in 1685 to Daniel Veyre), and that therefore he is the "Abraham Dutoit ès Sara" mentioned in several records. However, no clear evidence has yet surfaced on this point.
__ | __| | | | |__ | _Abraham DUTOIT _____| | (1660 - 1715) | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--Abraham DUTOIT | (1679 - ....) | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_____________________| | | __ | | |__| | |__
This Abraham is identified in the marriage contract as son of the late Jaques Dutoit of Chavannes, and is assisted by his brother Daniel. The only such parentage seems to be the baptism given here, though the surname of the mother is unclear: Jaques Dutoit and Jaquemaz Vincent. There is mention in 1685, on the occasion of the remarriage of his widow, of three surviving children of Abraham and Sara, but they are not named. Two of them are identifiable in the baptismal records, Abraham and Claudine.
Records of the cour de justice of Chavannes (ACV B i l 264) contain several mentions (notably in June, 1687) of a Jaquemaz Dutoit, wife of Jacob Buttex of Granges, and the widow of her late brother Abraham Dutoit, who was Sara Dutoit.
[14426] Date of marriage contract, David de Treytorrens, notary.
_Baltazard DUTOIT _______+ | (1550 - 1620) m 1575 _Jean DUTOIT _____________| | (.... - 1660) m 1620 | | |_Claudine JAQUEZ ________ | (.... - 1604) m 1575 _Jaques DUTOIT _________| | (.... - 1677) m 1655 | | | _Hans Thiebaud DECREVEL _+ | | | (1570 - 1639) m 1593 | |_Anne (Annelle) DECREVEL _| | (.... - 1668) m 1620 | | |_Clemence FRANC _________+ | m 1593 | |--Abraham DUTOIT | (.... - 1685) | _________________________ | | | _Maurice VINCENT _________| | | (.... - 1658) | | | |_________________________ | | |_Anne Jaquemaz VINCENT _| m 1655 | | _________________________ | | |_Etiennaz ESPETAUX _______| (.... - 1658) | |_________________________
[853] Witnesses include: Abram Cortesi, Jaques Bourgeois, Catherine Mojornia, Judith Farcoraniex (=Falconnet). One suspects the deacon was of Italian extraction.
_Moyse DUTOIT _______+ | (1566 - 1625) m 1586 _Jean DUTOIT ________| | (1596 - 1654) | | |_Sara BECHOLEY ______+ | m 1586 _Jean DUTOIT ________| | (1620 - 1685) m 1644| | | _____________________ | | | | |_Benoicte _____ _____| | (1600 - 1654) | | |_____________________ | | |--Abraham DUTOIT | (.... - 1685) | _____________________ | | | _Pierre OLEVEY ______| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Jeanne OLEVEY ______| (.... - 1685) m 1644| | _____________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________
He had a sister Esther, who appeared at a baptism in 1715. He is described as Châtelain de Vulliens on several instances. We assume that he is the son of Isaac Dutoit, the previous Châtelain at Vulliens, whose children Abraham and Esther appear at a baptism in 1705. He appears at a baptism in 1737. In a document of Jean Daniel Crausaz, notary at Moudon, dated 14 feb 1729, Abraham is identified as a notary, châtelain de Vulliens, and justicier de Moudon, the earliest record of his tenure in these offices.
He may also have been the Abraham Dutoit, Châtelain de Chavannes-sur-Moudon, who penned one of the earliest known documents in the local patois, dated 11 feb 1719. While no definitive citation that he held this office in 1719 has surfaced, his father was the Châtelain of Chavannes a few years earlier, and Abraham appears to have assumed his father's other offices. The diacritical marks were probably not used in the original document, and we have no way of knowing if the spelling has been "regularized" by later editors.
Lè rézon d'Abran Dautâi, Tsatalan dè Tsavana su Maoudon.
The notarial registers of Abraham Dutoit are in the collection of the Archives Cantonales Vaudoises, but they appear to have been acquired after the Family History Library had completed the microfilming of the registers that were then present.
[1166] Since he appeared as a sponsor at a baptism in 1705, he should have passed his first communion by that date, which normally happened about age 17 in that era.
_____________________ | _Pierre DUTOIT _________| | (.... - 1664) | | |_____________________ | _Isaac DUTOIT _______| | (.... - 1731) m 1681| | | _Pierre BUTTET ______+ | | | m 1626 | |_Marie Dorothée BUTTET _| | (.... - 1670) | | |_Jeanne _____ _______ | m 1626 | |--Abraham DUTOIT | (1687 - 1737) | _____________________ | | | _Sébastien DUBRIT ______| | | m 1655 | | | |_____________________ | | |_Claudine DUBRIT ____| (.... - 1726) m 1681| | _____________________ | | |_Marie CAVIN ___________| m 1655 | |_____________________
His daughter Benoicte must be the Benoicte Dutoit who married Pierre Tacheron, who appears as an uncle of Isaac and Claudine, children of the late Jaques son of Abraham Dutoit, 09 feb 1697 (Jaques Crausaz, notary at Moudon).
In a number of documents from the 1660's and 1670's, the sons of Abraham Dutoit, identifiable by the names of their brothers or the name of their mother, are listed as "cousins" of Antoine Dutoit, Lieutenant de Chavannes. This is a serious difficulty, since the Lieutenant de Chavannes does not seem to be closely related to Abraham based on the relationships that are presently documented. The identity of the Lieutenant de Chavannes is given very specifically in 1673 in the testament of his mother Magdelaine Berzin, widow of the late Antoine son of the late Daniel Dutoit of Chavannes, and including the names of the sons of the Lieutenant who had been born up to that time, Jean Jaques (baptised last Sunday in August, 1663, name of mother not given), David (baptised 23 sep 1664, recorded in the first "deacon's register at Moudon, son of Antoine Dutoit and Claudine Curchod), and Jean Antoine (baptised 30 apr 1672, recorded in the second "deacon's register" at Moudon, son of Antoine Dutoit "de Chavannes" and his wife Claudine Curchod). That Antoine Dutoit husband of Claudine Curchod was in fact the Lieutenant is stated explicitly in the baptisms of his children Eve (22 oct 1670), Susanne (26 aug 1673) and Balthazard (10 jul 1675).
There is, however, a strong suspicion that the relationship between Antoine the Lieutenant and the children of Abraham Dutoit is through Abraham's wife Pernon Veyre. For example, a document dated 12 may 1673 (Abraham Faucherres, notary, ACV DL 39) says that Antoine the Lieutenant and Jaques Veyre are the uncles of the minor children of the late Jean Veyre, whose widow (Susanne Jossevel) has remarried to Jean Michel Durussel. Now, the wife of Jaques Veyre was Claudine Dutoit, whose parentage has not been established. If she were a sister of Antoine the Lieutenant, the connections by marriage would come close to solving the puzzle; however, this solution is not permissible because Claudine should have been mentioned in the testament of Magdelaine Berzin, above.
In other documents, Antoine Dutoit the Lieutenant is listed either as the "cousin" of apparently the same Claudine Dutoit, or else her "beaufrère". The existence of the detailed testament of Antoine's mother seems to rule out the interpretation of "beaufrère" as step-brother, so she would have to be Antoine's sister-in-law as well as his cousin. Claudine would thus be a daughter of one of the Lieutenant's uncles, and she could be a sister-in-law through the Lieutenant's wife, Claudine Curchod. At Dommartin, there is a marriage 16 oct 1646 of Jacob "Corchon" to Eve Dutoit. Under the spellings Curchod and Courchod, this couple baptised several children at Dommartin in the 1650's, including a Claudine 12 aug 1655 whose sponsors included Jean Dutoit brother-in-law of the father, and Claudine Curchod (plausibly the one who became the wife of Antoine Dutoit the Lieutenant). By 22 feb 1662 (register attributed to Jean and Abraham Faucherres, ACV DL 40/1), Jacob Curchod was dead, survived by Eve. To obtain a brother-in-law connection between the Claudine Dutoit, wife of Jaques Veyre, and Antoine the Lieutenant, we would have to suppose that Claudine Dutoit was the sister of the Eve Dutoit who married Jacob Curchod. Apart from the fact that Eve had a brother Jean, however, the parentage of Eve remains uncertain.
Another suggestive transaction was recorded 14 dec 1681 by Jaques Crausaz (ACV DL 24/1), in which Jeanne Wagnieres, widow of Daniel Dutoit (son of Daniel Dutoit and Scheres Demierre) acts for her absent son Daniel. The transaction involves her nephew Antoine Dutoit the Lieutenant as well as her brother-in-law Abraham Dutoit the elder (he married Pernon Veyre in 1642). To make the brother-in-law relationship work, it seems necessary that Susanne Dutoit, sister of Jeanne's late husband, must have been the first wife of Abraham Dutoit the elder. Susanne, born about 1609, was still alive and evidently single as late as 1626.
Or, we might entertain the possibility that Antoine the Lieutenant had another wife before Claudine Curchod. Antoine's baptism has not been identified, and he could have been born as early as 1627, the year of his parents' marriage. Could he be the Antoine Dutoit "de Chavannes" who married Susanne Dutoit in 1652? There seems to be no mention of his couple after 1656, and no further mention of their children Pernon (born in 1653) and Jean (born in 1655). If Susanne was an unrecorded daughter of Jean Dutoit and Benoicte, that would make Antoine the Lieutenant a brother-in-law of both Abraham and Daniel Dutoit. This seems to have been the case; among other reasons, Antoine the Lieutenant later names as his godson Antoine Dutoit dit au Clerc, at whose baptism Antoine Dutoit and his wife Susanne Dutoit appeared as sponsors on 07 may 1654.
At least one of the mysterious relationships is resolved by the discovery that Catherine Genier, wife of Michel Veyre and thus mother of the sisters who married Abraham Dutoit and his brother Daniel, had been married previously to Jean Chevalley (died before 1624). Jeanne Chevalley, wife of Pierre Dutoit, was another daughter of Catherine Genier, and thus Daniel, son of Pierre Dutoit and nephew of Abraham and Daniel, is related through Catherine Genier. The missing piece of the puzzle is that Antoine the future Lieutenant is also a nephew of Abraham and Daniel in the same document of 21 apr 1651 (Benoit Giraudet, notary at Moudon, DL 50/3).
_Jean DUTOIT ________+ | (.... - 1583) _Moyse DUTOIT _______| | (1566 - 1625) m 1586| | |_____________________ | _Jean DUTOIT ________| | (1596 - 1654) | | | _Jean BECHOLEY ______ | | | | |_Sara BECHOLEY ______| | m 1586 | | |_____________________ | | |--Abraham DUTOIT | (.... - 1689) | _____________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Benoicte _____ _____| (1600 - 1654) | | _____________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________
_Jean DUTOIT ________+ | (1596 - 1654) _Jean DUTOIT ________| | (1620 - 1685) m 1644| | |_Benoicte _____ _____ | (1600 - 1654) _Antoine DUTOIT _____| | (.... - 1718) m 1688| | | _Pierre OLEVEY ______ | | | | |_Jeanne OLEVEY ______| | (.... - 1685) m 1644| | |_____________________ | | |--Abraham DUTOIT | (1695 - ....) | _____________________ | | | _Daniel ROSSET ______| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Jeanne ROSSET ______| (1666 - ....) m 1688| | _____________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________
_____________________ | _Abraham DUTOIT _____| | (1660 - 1715) | | |_____________________ | _Daniel DUTOIT ______| | (1683 - ....) m 1715| | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |_____________________ | | |--Abraham DUTOIT | (.... - 1728) | ______ BUTTET _______ | | | _Abraham BUTTET _____| | | (.... - 1715) | | | |_____________________ | | |_Catherine BUTTET ___| (1683 - 1748) m 1715| | _____________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________
He is the Abraham Dutoit son of the late Isaac Dutoit, who, with his wife Catherine Mojonnier, sold property to Albert Becholey 13 may 1727 (Daniel Antoine Jossevel, notary at Moudon). There does not seem to be another Abraham son of the late Isaac at that time, but the question still needs further research. If he is the right Abraham, he was also justicier de Chavannes. He is called the late Abraham Dutoit "le jeune" when his widow sells property, 11 nov 1733 (Jean Daniel Crausaz, notary at Moudon).
The same notary recorded a sale, David Dutoit maréchal to Catherine Mojonni widow of Abraham Dutoit and Susanne Mont widow of Isaac Dutoit le jeune, "une place où existait cy devant la Maison qui a esté incendiée audit Chavannes" (the lot where previously stood the house that burned down in Chavannes).
[1153] Death record specifies Abraham "le jeune", but gives no age.
__ | __| | | | |__ | _Isaac DUTOIT _______| | (.... - 1727) | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--Abraham DUTOIT | (.... - 1731) | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_____________________| | | __ | | |__| | |__
Mentioned as the uncle of Jean Antoine Dutoit son of the late Jean Antoine in 1742 (Daniel Antoine Jossevel, notary at Moudon), and thus apparently also a son of Isaac Dutoit and Marie Monod.
_Jean DUTOIT ________+ | (1596 - 1654) _Jean DUTOIT ________| | (1620 - 1685) m 1644| | |_Benoicte _____ _____ | (1600 - 1654) _Isaac DUTOIT _______| | (.... - 1728) m 1685| | | _Pierre OLEVEY ______ | | | | |_Jeanne OLEVEY ______| | (.... - 1685) m 1644| | |_____________________ | | |--Abraham DUTOIT | (.... - 1742) | _____________________ | | | _Jean Jaques MONOD __| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Anne Marie MONOD ___| (1668 - 1733) m 1685| | _____________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________
_Antoine DUTOIT _________+ | (1633 - 1693) m 1658 _Jean Jaques DUTOIT _| | m 1697 | | |_Claudine CURCHOD _______ | (1630 - 1687) m 1658 _Abraham Isaac DUTOIT ________| | (.... - 1801) m 1736 | | | _Abraham DÉTRAZ _________ | | | (.... - 1697) | |_Elizabeth DÉTRAZ ___| | (.... - 1728) m 1697| | |_________________________ | | |--Abraham DUTOIT | (1759 - ....) | _Jean Pierre CHAPPALLAZ _ | | | _Daniel CHAPPALLAZ __| | | m 1714 | | | |_________________________ | | |_Susanne Claudine CHAPPALLAZ _| (.... - 1781) m 1736 | | _Michel VEYRE ___________ | | (.... - 1731) |_Jeanne Marie VEYRE _| m 1714 | |_Marie LAGNIAZ __________ (.... - 1737)
Noted as catechumen, Easter 1782, at Oppens.
_Jaques DUTOIT ______+ | _Jaques François DUTOIT _| | (.... - 1773) m 1729 | | |_Genon MARTIN _______ | _Jean Louis DUTOIT __| | (1728 - 1800) m 1745| | | _Jean Pierre DUTOIT _+ | | | | |_Jeanne DUTOIT __________| | (1701 - 1773) m 1729 | | |_____________________ | | |--Abraham DUTOIT | (1766 - ....) | _____________________ | | | _David BLANC ____________| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Marie Judith BLANC _| (1728 - 1795) m 1745| | _____________________ | | |_________________________| | |_____________________
Appears at the baptism of his sister in 1796.
________________________ | _Isaac DUTOIT ___________| | (1710 - 1742) m 1730 | | |________________________ | _Jaques Moyse DUTOIT _| | (.... - 1808) m 1776 | | | _Jean Antoine MONT _____ | | | (.... - 1730) | |_Susanne Christine MONT _| | m 1730 | | |________________________ | | |--Abraham DUTOIT | (1777 - ....) | _Antoine DUTOIT ________+ | | m 1712 | _Jean Jaques DUTOIT _____| | | (.... - 1781) m 1747 | | | |_Estiennaz DUTOIT ______+ | | (.... - 1753) m 1712 |_Elizabeth DUTOIT ____| (1750 - 1796) m 1776 | | _Isaac BESANÇON ________ | | (.... - 1721) |_Jeanne Ursule BESANÇON _| (.... - 1781) m 1747 | |_Sara Judith CHEVALLEY _ (.... - 1780)
[14465] Entry in marriage register at Moudon does not give the day and month.
_Jean Jaques DUTOIT _+ | m 1697 _Abraham Isaac DUTOIT ________| | (.... - 1801) m 1736 | | |_Elizabeth DÉTRAZ ___+ | (.... - 1728) m 1697 _Abraham David DUTOIT _| | (1746 - 1805) m 1780 | | | _Daniel CHAPPALLAZ __+ | | | m 1714 | |_Susanne Claudine CHAPPALLAZ _| | (.... - 1781) m 1736 | | |_Jeanne Marie VEYRE _+ | m 1714 | |--Abraham DUTOIT | (1782 - ....) | _____________________ | | | _Jean Pierre BETTEX __________| | | (.... - 1780) | | | |_____________________ | | |_Susanne Marie BETTEX _| (1746 - 1782) m 1780 | | _____________________ | | |______________________________| | |_____________________
He was exempted from military service at the time of his wedding because of a injuries suffered in a fall several months earlier, according to a notation in the marriage register at Moudon.
_Antoine DUTOIT ________+ | m 1712 _Jean Jaques DUTOIT _____| | (.... - 1781) m 1747 | | |_Estiennaz DUTOIT ______+ | (.... - 1753) m 1712 _Samuel DUTOIT ______| | (1749 - 1811) | | | _Isaac BESANÇON ________ | | | (.... - 1721) | |_Jeanne Ursule BESANÇON _| | (.... - 1781) m 1747 | | |_Sara Judith CHEVALLEY _ | (.... - 1780) | |--Abraham DUTOIT | (1785 - ....) | ________________________ | | | _________________________| | | | | | |________________________ | | |_Rose STÖKLY ________| | | ________________________ | | |_________________________| | |________________________
_Antoine DUTOIT ________+ | m 1712 _Jean Jaques DUTOIT _____| | (.... - 1781) m 1747 | | |_Estiennaz DUTOIT ______+ | (.... - 1753) m 1712 _"Abraham" (Jaques Philippe) DUTOIT _| | (1752 - ....) m 1783 | | | _Isaac BESANÇON ________ | | | (.... - 1721) | |_Jeanne Ursule BESANÇON _| | (.... - 1781) m 1747 | | |_Sara Judith CHEVALLEY _ | (.... - 1780) | |--Abraham DUTOIT | (1787 - ....) | ________________________ | | | _Abraham Philippe DUC ___| | | (.... - 1814) m 1739 | | | |________________________ | | |_Susanne Marie DUC __________________| (1745 - 1814) m 1783 | | _Christe VEYRE _________+ | | (.... - 1726) m 1699 |_Anne Christine VEYRE ___| m 1739 | |_Anne Ursule GAULEY ____ m 1699
Abraham and his sister Salomé made a testament with their sister Rose 16 jun 1776 (George Louis Crausaz, notary), indicating they are all children of the late Isaac Dutoit. Abraham had the notary make a copy of the will on 24 may 1793, after the death of Salomé. Abraham appears as a catechumen 1728. His donation of 03 nov 1764 (Jaques David Burnand, notary at Moudon) makes clear that he did not marry and had no heirs except his sisters: "Il n'a aucun gout pour le St. Etat de Mariage".
_Antoine DUTOIT _____+ | (.... - 1654) m 1634 _Pierre DUTOIT _________| | (1638 - 1695) m 1662 | | |_Judith CAVIN _______+ | (.... - 1660) m 1634 _Isaac DUTOIT _______| | (.... - 1754) m 1707| | | _Jean BOSSET ________ | | | (.... - 1647) m 1641 | |_Agathe BOSSET _________| | (.... - 1734) m 1662 | | |_Anne GIRARD ________ | m 1641 | |--Abraham DUTOIT | (.... - 1798) | _____________________ | | | _Jean Jaques DEVALLONÉ _| | | (.... - 1705) | | | |_____________________ | | |_Susanne DEVALLONÉ __| (.... - 1763) m 1707| | _Daniel NICOD _______+ | | (.... - 1705) m 1638 |_Salomé NICOD __________| | |_Sarah DUTOIT _______ m 1638